chapter 10

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(A/N I can't with this pick 🥺)


''I like it see you did have clothes here''

''I like it see you did have clothes here''

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(y/n's outfit and shoes)

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(y/n's outfit and shoes)

''ready y/n its almost 6?'' my mom yelled from the living room

'' she's almost done!'' mj yelled for me

''okay almost there and...done!'' nat said after finishing doing my hair I just let my hair down with wavy curls and natural makeup.

''thanks nat I love it''I said hugging her

''Here's your purse and your phone'' mj said handing me my purse and phone.

''If he tries anything remember what I taught you got it?'' nat said

''yes okay I better get going its getting late''

after I grabbed my things I walked out of my room to the living room to see litterally everyone there.

''wow you look so pretty'' Wanda said

''lady y/n you look beautiful'' Thor said

''okay pop off queen'' sam said

''Is this what they are saying theses days?'' Steve asked

''yeah grandpa'' nat said

''oh okay pop off queen then'' Steve said

''go slay this date queen'' bucky said

''hmm I've seen better'' my dad said shrugging while rolling his eyes.

''Tony'' my mom said slapping his shoulder.

''Im kidding you look pretty kiddo'' he said after

''thanks dad well I better get going before I'm late see you all later'' I said walking out.

Peters Pov

''hey Peter''

''hey ned ''

''so what time is this movie you wanna go see?'' I asked him

''6:15 so we gotta get going soon''

''what movie are we watching again?''

''the nun its really scary so I'm exited to watch it''

''okay lets go then''

''bye may I'll see you later '' I yelled as I walked out of the room

''bye be safe love you!''

''love you too bye''

me and ned walked to the movies which took us about 10 minutes we got there a little early so we got our tickets and some sodas and popcorn and sat in the middle of the theater.

Y/N Pov

''thanks happy for the ride'' I said as I walked out of the car and went into the movie theater I saw kai and walked over to him.

''hey'' I greeted him.

''hey I got our tickets already I was waiting for you to come to get snacks'' he said

''alright I'll just take a soda and popcorn''

''okay I will be right back'' he said walking off

couple seconds later he came back with the snacks.

''thank you so what movie are we watching anyway?''I asked

''The nun I heard I was good so I thought we should watch it'' he said

''okay lets get going then''

we walked into the theater and sat in the back the movie started to play.

''hey I gotta go to the bathroom I will be right back''I said getting up


I walked out and went to the bathroom after I walked out and went back into the theater until I saw someone..

''hey Peter '' I said walking over to him

''oh hey y/n''

''what are you doing here?''

''oh me and ned came to watch a movie what about you''

''same thing'' I said laughing

''right duh''

''what movie you watching?''

''the nun ned wanted to watch it for awhile now''

''oh same well I guess I'll see you on Monday or later?''

''yeah sure''

after I went back to the movie I walked over to kai and sat back down I waved over to Peter after kai put his arm over my shoulder which made me feel weird but I shook it off.

Peter's Pov

after I saw y/n we both walked back to the theater and she waved over to me I waved back the kai put his arm over her shoulder what a jerk he did it on purpose I know he did I walked over to ned and sat back down.

''ned'' i whispered over to him

''what'' he whispered back

''y/n is here'' I said..''with kai

''really damn Im sorry man'' he whispered back

the movie ended me and ned headed out ned had to use the bathroom so I waited for him to be done I then saw y/n and kai walking out his arm around her shoulder if only that could be me before I looked down she waved at me smiling I waved back with a half smile then looked over at kai who smirked then winked at me still having his arm around her I looked down then felt someone tap my shoulder

''come on man lets go'' ned said

after the movies me and ned said goodbye it was still pretty early so I just did a bit homework only to be distracted thinking of the other day when I almost kissed y/n wondering if she wanted to kiss me back or not probably not since she is with kai god why does she have to look so pretty tho I mean who couldn't like her the way she smiles the way she laughs god I like her so much even tho I only met her this week I feel like we've known each other forever cheesy I know but thats just how it feels.

it was around 8 I decided to go on my nightly patrol I swung to a top of a building not that far from my apartment and over to the city of queens I spotted something in the corner of my eye i saw 2 men trying to grab 2 girls.

''karen can you let me hear what they are saying please?''

'' of course Peter activating enhanced reconnaissance mode''

''ether you two ladies give me some money or I can cut you pretty friend here'' one of the men said holding one of the girls by the neck and a knife next to her cheek.

I got up and swung over landing right behind the guy

''hey man can you hold this real quick?'' I asked the man holding the girl attaching a web to his back making him swing up I went over to the other guy he ran towards me trying to stab me he fell to the ground then got back up he ran towards me again I tried to move but he stab me in the shoulder then punched me in the face making me fall to the ground.

She's got me Twisted (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now