Chapter 5

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As I was peacefully sleeping I get woken up by Wanda and pepper and Morgan jumping on my bed and giggling to wake me up.

"Ugh what I was sleeping peacefully"I said with a sleepy voice.

" we want to know about your first day" my mom said.

"Sister wake up" Morgan said quietly while running to hug me.

"Hi yes I'm awake now thanks to you guys"I said tickling her in her stomach.

"Soo tell us what happened any cute boys or meet any friends?" Wanda ask curiously.

"Well I did make 3 friends and one kinda cute boy but that's all" I said while holding Morgan.

"Ooo a cute boy what's his name?" My mom asked.

"Peter Parker" I said smiling.

"Peter Parker?" Wanda ask tilting her head confused.

"Yeah he was so nice to me he walked with me to my classes and I met his friends Ned and Mj i sat with them at lunch and we all have pe together" I said smiling.

"Well sounds like a good first day let's go dinners ready"my mom said walking out.

"Hm mugged on the first day of school and being saved by spider-man what an amazing day" Wanda said with one brow up.

"Shit Wanda how many times did I say stay out of my head" I said rolling my eyes.

"It's a gift sorry" she said shrugging.

" don't tell my dad he won't ever let me out again if he knew please Wanda you gotta promise" I said pleading her.

"Fine I won't but you need to be more careful next time or I will tell him" she said before walking off.

"Let's go Morgan good thing you don't understand anything yet" I said picking her up.

"Spider-man" she said yelling.

"Shh no spider-man" I said.

"Dada know spider-man" she said giggling.

"Yeah yeah" I said as I walked into the kitchen and put her in her seat.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Steak and mash potatoes and corn" Wanda said.

"Yum I'm starving also where are the pop tarts?" Thor said as he walked in and went straight for the closet.

"No dessert before dinner Thor" my mom said walking over to Thor grabbing the pop tarts and taking them out of his hands and he pouts.

"Everyone dinners ready" Wanda shouted.

After dinner :

After dinner I went to the training room to practice with my powers a bit flying around and throwing energy out after I did that for 2 hours I headed upstairs and did some of my homework then in walked my dad.

"Hey kiddo how was the first day" he said sitting on my bed and patting the spot next to him to go sit.

"It was okay made some friends today" I said while going over to sit next to him.

"What are theses friends names ?" He asked

"Mj Peter Ned" I said.

"Peter Parker?" He asked with a shocked expression.

"Yeah how did you know ?" I ask with one brow up.

"He has an internship with me I've met him a couple of times" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh okay" I said.

"Well I'll let you get some sleep kiddo" he said kissing my forehead "goodnight" he said walking out.

"Night" I said.

After my dad left I took a quick shower then put my pjs on then went to bed.

(Next morning)

"Y/N it is currently 6:30am time to get up for school" Friday said waking me up.

"Ugh 2 more minutes" I said putting a pillow over my face.

"You asked me to wake you up everyday at 6:30am so you have enough time to get ready" Friday said.

"Ugh fine I'm up I'm up" I said.

Today I decided to wear a black crop top and baggy blue ripped jeans and black and white flannel with white air forces then curled my hair(A/N you don't have to wear this outfit you can wear whatever you want)I then walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen today I decided to eat just cereal after I ate I said bye to everyone and headed out to the car with happy 20 minutes later we got to the school I got out and headed inside to my locker as I got to my locker I grab my books which fell on the ground great.

"Hey Y/N right ?" Some random kid asked who had dirty blond hair and greenish blueish eyes.

"Um yeah hi?" I said as I picked up my books.

" hi sorry that sounded weird anyways I'm Kai" he said smiling.

" hi Kai Y/N but you already knew that" I said laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah I just wanted to introduce myself to you we actually have 5 period together" he said smiling.

"Oh we do hm didn't notice" I said.

"Yeah I was wondering do you wan-" he started to say before he got cut off.

"Hey Y/N" Peter yelled from down the hall waving at me.

"Oh hey Peter" I said.

"Hey can I talk to you real quick?" He said.

"Yeah sure can you hold on tho Kai wanted to ask me someth-"I started to say before Peter pulled me by my arms into a classroom.

"What the Peter are you okay what did you have to tell me that couldn't wait?" I said crossing my arms.

"I-I uh um forgot" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay well I'm gonna go find Kai cause he wanted to ask me something" I said walking to the door only to get pulled back by Peter.

"Peter what the heck why are you acting like this ?" I said.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be around Kai" he said.

"What why what's wrong with him that I can't be around him?" I said crossing my arms again and had one brow up.


"Peter" I said.

" I don't know but it's not a good idea" he said shrugging.

"Um okay werido" I said chuckling a little.

"I'm gonna head off to class now if you're okay with that" I said joking with him.

" ha funny" he said rolling his eyes while walking out of the room.

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