Chapter 6

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School went by fast at the end of the day I got peters and neds and mjs numbers happy came and got me as usual 20 minute drive back home I thought about why Peter acted strange today with the whole Kai is not a good person to be around and stuff soon I arrived at the tower i got out of the car headed to the elevator and went to my floor passing the kitchen then stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Nat and Steve cuddled up together on the couch sleeping while watching a movie I quickly walked backwards to make sure it was actually them then I yelled.

" I knew it you all owe me 20 bucks each" I said yelling excitedly.

Then in ran Sam,Thor,Bucky,Wanda,vision,Clint,and my dad.

"Oh come on" said Sam.

"Cough it up everyone"I said smiling holding my hand out.

"Lady Y/N did call it" Thor said while handing me 20 bucks.

Then Steve and Nat woke up they quickly got off each other and looked at all of us.

"Um that wasn't what it looked like" Nat said.

"Uh huh sure I already got my money so say what you wanna say" I said walking off.

"Wait you guys betted that we would lay with each other?" Steve asked.

"No Y/N bet you guys were together wait Y/N that ain't fair give us the money back" Sam yelled.

"Nope you lost it" I said while quickly running off to my room.

I walked in and grab my phone to find 3 text messages from unknown numbers which I assume are Peter Mj and Ned.

Unknown: Hey y/n it's Peter by the way Peter Parker

Me:hey Peter

Peter:I'm sorry about earlier I don't know what I was thinking you can talk to whoever you want I'm not your boss again sorry about earlier.

Me:it's okay Peter :)

Ned:hey it's Ned btw :)

Me:hi Ned

Unknown:hey it's mj idk what else to say so

Me:hey Mj

Mj:so what happened with you and Peter earlier I saw him take you into a classroom when you were talking to Kai?

Me:I don't know really Kai was about to ask me something then Peter pulled me away into the classroom then said I should be talking to Kai then I asked why he said he doesn't know.

Mj:weirdo he likes you I bet probably why he got all jealous when he saw Kai talking to you

Me:what?Peter likes me yeah okay we only known each other for like 2 days now

Mj:hm who knows then oh also we should totally have a sleepover on Friday after school we could do fun things

Me:sure I'll ask my dad your house right ?

Mj:ether house is fine

Me:we can do mine I've barely unpacked it but it will work

Mj: sure

Me:okay ttyl

Shit shit shit shit shit

I quickly ran out my room down to my dads lab.

"Hey dad" I said

"Yes y/n?" He asked.

"Um I kinda need you to buy me a apartment for a sleepover I kinda told my friend we can have one at my place"I asked nervously.

"I have a place in queens it's sorta a safe house it has a lab in there if you wanna work on stuff but it's not decorated so you can have happy take you to the store and grab a few things for the place" he said while working on his helmet.

"Thank you you are the best"I said while kissing his cheek and hugging him.

"Your welcome" he said hugging back.

I quickly ran back upstairs it's only Tuesday but I want to get stuff done before then so I don't forget and since there's a lab there I can work on my secret suit there since my dad isn't gonna be there I put my shoes on grab my bag then ran out the tower to happy's car we drove to target to grab some stuff for my fake apartment and food then drove to the apartment happy helped me carry things up then left I'll call him to come get me later I quickly looked around the 3 bedroom apartment it was homey time to make it even more homer I started in my room putting fresh grey bed set and put pillows on the bed then put some fairy lights on the wall next to the bed then put the little nightstand next to the bed then put the black lamp next to it then hung up white curtains then a grey fuzzy rug on the ground then fixed a desk and chair in the corner onto the next room.

I put food away in the cabinets that I bought for Friday then put the new chairs together to stand by the kitchen counter good thing the walls were already painted grey I then went back to my room and went to the window then stepped out onto the fire escape and put cute chairs outside and hung fairy lights on the pulls I know it's extra but I want it to feel like home I went back inside to see if everything looked good then grab a blanket and a book and went out on the fire escape to read my book while looking at the stairs outside I then heard a thud across from me i jumped up scared.

"Omg it's just you you scared the hell out of me" I told the spider.

"Sorry I was just swinging around then saw you outside thought I would say hi" he said.

"do you usually Stalk girls you don't know hm?" I said raising one brow.

"N-no I-I was just pro-trolling the neighborhood and saw you outside so I thought why not say hi " he said stuttering.

"I'm joking sit down if you want to " I gestured for him to sit on the chair across from me.

"So we haven't officially met I'm y/n" I said smiling holding my hand out.

"Nice to meet you spider-man"he said shaking my hand back.

"So how's your night so far?" I asked him.

"Great now" he said under his breathe.

"What was that?" I asked confused.

"Oh nothing I mean it's good what about yours?" He asked.

"Pretty okay got to decorate the apartment a bit" I said.

"Decorate?" He asked confused.

"Oh yeah I just moved in a couple weeks ago from Idaho" I said I'm getting pretty good at remembering my back up story nice one y/n.

"Oh that's nice well I gotta get going actually but I'll see you around?" He said getting up.

"Oh you will spidey I'll see you later" I said while smirking.

"It's spider-man" he said.

"Oh I know"I said winking at him.

After that he swung away I went back inside then texted happy I was ready to leave I made sure to lock all windows and doors before I left then went home back at the tower.

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