Chapter 2

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Today I woke up so pumped today is the day I convince my dad and mom to let me go to regular school after being homeschooled for so long I just want to get out and have a somewhat normal teenager life.

I quickly got up from my bed and went straight to my closet to get changed 'Friday what time is it ?' 

'The time is currently 9:20am'

  I grab a pair of black leggings and a grey hoodie and put on fuzzy socks and put my hair up in a messy bun I don't plan on going anywhere so I dressed comfortable today.

"Friday turn off lights in closet and bedroom"

"Lights turned off"Friday said

I walked down to the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast Steve and Nat and Sam were watching the morning news.

"Morning family"I said.

"Morning honey want pancakes or eggs and toast?"

"I think I'll just have some pancakes and toast"

"Hey kid" Steve said while messing up my hair.

"Hey be careful you might twist my head off one of these days if you keep doing that' I said while rolling my eyes" I said

"Maybe"Steve said while sitting next to me at the table.

"Hey mom where's dad?" I said

"He's in his lab working on a new suit I'm pretty sure"

"Oh okay and Morgan ?" I said

"She's still asleep but you can wake her if you want she needs to wake up soon anyways"

"Ooo can I please you know how much I love babies"Nat said while putting both her hands together and begging.

"Yeah go ahead I'll just eat then" I said.

Nat got up and left the room then in walked my dad he kissed me on the head and then went to go hug my mom behind her back and kissed her.

"Good morning Mrs. Stark may I say you look beautiful this fine morning" my dad said while kissing my mom.

Me and Steve both looked at each other and almost spit up our food.

"Can you guys get a room if you're going to do that please me and Y/N are trying to eat here"Steve said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah we are trying to eat here"I said with a full mouth of pancakes.

My dad rolled his eyes while grabbing a plate of breakfast and sitting across from me.

"So um dad I got I question for you and mom and before you say no let me explain the whole thing and don't interrupt me" I said smiling.

He looked at me with a confused face then said "okay go ahead I'm listening"he said.

"Okay so since I got about 2 more years left of high school I was wondering if for the last 2 I can go to a regular school and have a some what regular teenage life and before you say no I got it all planned out if you let me explain" I said with a smile and puppy dog eyes.

He looked at my mom she gave him a smile signaling to let me continue he looked back at me and sighed then said "continue then"

"I can have a fake last name so no one can know my true identity I can make up a story to go along with it and not make anything seem suspicious"I said with both hands begging him with puppy dog eyes.

      He stayed silent for about a minute probably thinking about it then looked up at my mom she had the most biggest smile on her face trying to get him.    to say yes he then sighed again the said "fine but I choose the school and back up story and all that" he said.

"Wait are you serious right now dad?''cause I thought you were gonna say no cause you don't want me leaving but oh my god I can't believe you actually said yes shit I can't believe it"I said smiling.

"Language"Steve said looking at me.

"Sorry"I giggled a little.

"Yes I'm serious I think you should at least have a normal life even if it's only for 8 hours a day"He said.

I got up and hugged him and kissed his cheek jumping up and down and ran to my mom to kiss her cheek and hug her to.

  "So where am I gonna go since you said you would choose the school?"I said slightly tilting my head.

'Midtown school of science and technology"
He said.

"Why there ?"I gave him a weird look.

"Doesn't spi-" Steve started to say before my dad gave him a glare.

"Just cause it seems like a good school'' He said sipping his coffee.

"Ookay I'm not gonna question it cause I'm to excited that I'm actually starting school" i said with a huge smile.

"What's with all the screaming you woke me up?"Wanda came in yawning.

"I'm going to regular school!"I said jumping up and down in joy.

"Omg really I'm so happy for you" Wanda said hugging me tightly.

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