chapter 12

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after I left the apartment happy drove me home I was nervous cause I knew everyone was gonna ask me how it was luckily for me my dad Steve sam bucky Thor vision oh and bruce didn't know he was back and Clint were all laying together asleep on the couch watching coco aw how cute I quietly walked pass them into the kitchen to find Nat Wanda my mom and Morgan eating juice pops

''hey hun how was it?'' my mom asked me patting a seat next to her then handed me a juice pop.

''thanks mom it was fine for my first date I guess'' I said shrugging

''he didn't try anything did he?'' Nat asked raising a brow

''no he just kissed me on my cheek that's all nothing to big'' then I thought of the kiss with Peter oh god do I like Peter Parker?

''why you blushing then hm?'' Wanda looked at me smirking

''you better not be in my head cause I will be in yours if you are in mine got it?'' I said holding my hand up making blue come out

''okay girls enough no powers at the table now how did the rest of it go?'' my mom asked

should I tell them I kissed Peter I mean we have girl talk I mean hm im so confused right now but you know what fuck it I'll tell them.

''okay listen this is now girl talk to whatever I say stays here no one I mean NO ONE can know not even dad or the guys got it?'' I said raising a brow

they all nodded

''so basically my friend Peter got mugged and he came over so I could clean him up cause he didn't want his aunt to know anyways after we talked about my date then we just kissed and I think I might kinda like him'' I said looking down im gonna keep the part of his shirt off for me

''wait your first kiss?'' Wanda asked

I nodded

''spider-man pew pew '' Morgan said

''shh Morgan you don't know what you are talking about here have the rest of your juice pop''my mom said''aw hun im happy that you had your first kiss how was it for you?''

''I don't know I kinda like humbug I don't want ruin our friendship what if its only one sided?''I said putting my hands on my head

''who kissed first?'' nat asked

''he did..''

''see he does like you boys don't kiss girls for the hell of it..okay maybe some do but I don't think with this peter kid'' nat said rubbing my back in circles

''you think?'' I asked

''yeah your aunt is right hun and here's some advice if you like Peter more then kai go for peter follow your heart nothing more got it?'' my mom said

''thanks guys I love you guys'' I said

''we love you to'' they all said running over to hug me

''I'm gonna go upstairs cause I don't wanna talk to the guys about it'' I said getting up

''okay hun are you gonna eat dinner?''

''yeah im just gonna go change into more comfortable clothes be down in 10'' I said walking away.

I grabbed a black hoodie and leggings and socks and walked back down to smell chicken Alfredo I sat next to Thor and sam I got my phone out since they weren't serving us yet and I texted mj

Me: mj mj mj mj

Mj: what how was it ??

Me:so um I kinda maybe kissed Peter after the date...

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