chapter 7

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(A/N anyone else think Tom looks so cute in this pic??)

after I left the apartment I went back to the tower went to my room put my pajamas on and read for a little then I didn't realized I drifted off to bed.

''y/n its time to wake up for school'' Friday said aloud.

''im up im up'' I said getting up groaning.

I put on a skirt today it seem pretty warm today to wear(ignore the other things just the outfit picture above sorry if that's not your style your welcome to pick your own outfit)I then I straighten my hair tucked my hair behind my ears but let tw...

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I put on a skirt today it seem pretty warm today to wear(ignore the other things just the outfit picture above sorry if that's not your style your welcome to pick your own outfit)I then I straighten my hair tucked my hair behind my ears but let two strands left in front I then went downstairs to go eat breakfast sitting at the table was Nat Steve Sam Bucky.

''oh look if it isn't the two love birds themselves'' I said smirking at them.

''haha very funny'' Nat said rolling her eyes.

''y/n stop making fun of your aunt and uncle and come eat before you are late to school'' my mom said handing me a plate of pancakes with syrup.

''thanks you guys know where Wanda is?I was hoping we could train today''I said looking at them.

''I'm pretty sure her and vision went out to the store or something but she'll be back later maybe you can train with me today I can show you some new moves what do you say huh? nat said nudging me and smiling.

''sure after school''I shoved the rest of the pancake in my mouth then excused myself to go back to my room to brush my teeth I looked at my phone to find a text from Peter.

Peter:hey you on your way to school?

Me:yeah I was about to head out why ?

Peter:well me ned and mj are in the library just letting you know if you were looking for us and couldn't find us.

Me:yeah I'll be there in 5.

Peter:okay see you then:)

after I texted Peter I brushed my teeth and grabbed my backpack and headed out.

''wait y/n your lunch'' my mom said running up to me with a lunch bag''here's your lunch and remember no using any of your powers at school got it sweetie?'' she said giving me my lunch bag and a hug

''yeah I know mom now I gotta go before im late to meet up with my friends''

''okay okay have a good day honey'' she said while waving goodbye.

I hoped in the car then happy started to drive to the school when I arrived there wasn't much kids it was still pretty early so I headed in the direction to the library I quickly saw Peter mj and ned sitting down Peter and ned talking about something and mj reading a book like always.

''hey guys''

''hey y/n'' ned said waving.

''what are you guys talking about?''I asked while taking a chair out to sit.

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