chapter 8

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(A/N this pic 🥺♡)

                                                                                   TIME SKIP 

it was now Friday nothing to interning happened the rest of the week besides text mj and kai sometimes Peter  but anyways todays the day I have my first sleepover I can't wait today I decided on wearing light blue ripped jeans and a cute little white button up cardigan crop top with air forces (again you can choose the outfit if you want)today I just curled my hair a bit then went downstairs and sat down at the table.

''morning hun''

''morning mom what's for breakfast?''

''waffles'' she said handing me a plate of waffles.

''I want'' Morgan said while sitting in her chair

''could you give her a bit I gotta run down to your dads lab he's working on something and needs to eat''

''yeah sure''

''here you can have this piece''

'thank woo'' she said while biting into it 

''yup'' I said while eating my waffle 

''todays your sleep over right hun?''my mom asked as she walked back into the kitchen.

''yeah you still don't mind right?''

''no I don't you go have fun but remember lock the doors and no going out after 9 I mean it its dangerous at night ''

''I won't'' I said while placing my plate in the sink.

''okay have a good day remember no powers outside of the tower and have fun texts us if you need anything if not ill see you tomorrow please be safe y/n okay?''she said hugging me 

''I will mom don't worry nothing bad will happen plus we are gonna be in queens that spiderboy can help if anything happens but trust me nothing will'' I said hugging back''I'm gonna go down to say bye to dad see you later''

''bye Morgan''


I walked down to go the lab 

''hey dad just came down to say bye'' 

''hey kiddo tonight's your sleepover right?''

''yeah mj is going over at 6 I think cause she gotta do things before she goes over''

''maybe I'll pop over before your friend goes over and take a look of how you decorated it''

''yeah sure before 6 okay?''

''got it now head to school before you are late'' he said shooing me away

''okay god someone wants to go back to work'' I said walking off and rolling my eyes

I got to school and saw Peter and mj waiting at the front of the school they must've notice me cause they waved me over to them.

''hey y/n ready for tonight?'' mj asked when I walked over to them 

''yeah I'm super excited''

''what's tonight?'' Peter asked.

''oh me and mj are having a sleepover tonight'' I replied 

''nice we should head inside before the bell rings btw ned just texted he's sick he's not coming today'' Peter said 

''oh that sucks'' I said while walking over to my locker

''hey y/n'' kai said approaching me at the corner of my eye I saw Peter mumble to himself.

''hey y/n'' while rolling his eyes I giggle a little.

''hey kai what's up?''

''I was wondering if you wanted to hangout tomorrow at the movies?''

''yeah sure what time?'' I asked then saw Peter slam his locker and walked away.

''how about you text me the details I gotta go'' I said to kai while running towards Peter once I catched up to him I tapped his shoulder.

''hey what's up I thought we were gonna walk to class together?'' I asked him

''nothing I must've forgot sorry''he said looking down at his shoes

''well come on Parker or we are gonna be late'' I said grabbing his arm to pull him to class.

TIME SKIP (sorry for all the time skips just trying to fit al the good stuff in one chapter)

''okay I will see you at your place like at 6 I gotta go help my mom out with a few things I'll see you later'' mj said walking off.

''okay bye''

''hey parker wanna walk home together you don't live to far from me?''

''yeah sure''

''you okay you've been acting weird all day?''

''yeah I'm fine I think I'm just tired that's all no need to worry''he said smiling up at me 

once we left the school Peter asked me if I wanted to go get a sandwich with him I said sure we walked over to a small deli shop called Delmars we walked into the small deli and Peter greeted a man.

''hey Mr Delmar''

''hey Peter let me guess you want a number 5 pickles smooshed down?'' Mr Delmar spoke

''yeah can I get 2 actually one for me and my friend''

''Ella es tu novia?'' mr delmar said in Spanish to bad I don't know Spanish oh wait I do.

''que no no ella solo es mi amiga nada mas'' peter replied.

''ustedes saben que puedo entender y hablar español?'' i said  

Mr Delmar then started laughing.

''can we just get 2 number 5s please'' Peter asked.

''coming up'' 

''you want something to drink?'' I asked him 

''um could you get me an apple juice''

''sure'' I walked over to the fridge and grabbed 2 apple juices 

after we payed and got our food I asked Peter if he wanted to go over for a bit to watch a movie and eat our sandwiches once we got to the apartment we picked star wars the first movie we sat on the couch it was only 4 so we had plenty of time to hangout before mj would come over me Peter started to eat our food it was pretty good not that bad then Peter looked at me then started laughing for some reason.

''what what's so funny?'' I asked 

''you got something right there here let me get it'' he said grabbing a napkin and wiping my mouth off we both stared at each other for a couple seconds I sorta leaned in closer he did, he coped my face,

then his phone rang out of nowhere we both jumped back he got up to answer it after a few seconds he hung up.

''I gotta go y/n aunt may needs me I'll see you later'' he said grabbing his things.

''o-oh okay yeah ill see you later''I say blushing a little

after Peter left I was waiting for mj she texted me saying she would be here in 10 so I got bored and went to my room and lay down on the bed waiting for her I played with my powers a bit then heard a thud 

''what the fu-''

oh shit.

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