chapter 9

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(A/N no rocket isn't in this chapter just felt the pic matched this chapter)

''what the fu-''

oh shit.

''y-yo-you have p-powers'' mj stuttered looking completely shocked.

''shit mj please you can't tell anyone I mean it promise''

''I promise won't I swear but that's just wow'' she said walking over to my bed and sitting down

''yeah I know but remember you can't tell anyone not even Peter or ned they can't know no one can''

''I won't promise does this mean you are a superhero or something?''

''no not yet at least''

I then heard the door open please don't let it b-

''hey hun you did a nice job decorating I mean you are my daughter after all.. oh shit'' my dad came in my room then saw mj his eyes went wide and Michelles did to.

''your dad is Tony Stark?!''

after I explained that my dad is Tony stark and my mom is pepper Potts/stark she calmed down my dad didn't get mad or anything he was actually calm about it he said he trusted mj could keep a secret mj literally fangirl when he said that he left after and it is now 7.

''question'' mj asked 


''if you ever become a superhero I call being your girl in the chair ?''

''whats girl in the chair?''

''your girl in the chair you know how there's a guy in the chair telling the other guy where to go I can be the girl in the chair instead of guy''

''uh yeah sure if I ever actually do something...also there's something I gotta tell you''


''Peter was here earlier and we almost kissed''

''you and Peter almost what!!''



''yeah may called him and he had to go but the thing is I kinda like him but I also like kai even tho its only my first week of meeting the two guys''

''I smell a love triangle coming alive'' mj laughed and I laughed with her

''you wanna sneak out and have fun?'' I asked her 

''um what do you think''


''duh lets go''

we went walking to a small 24 hour grocery store and grabbed snacks drinks I grabbed some paint and brushes so I could paint little things around my room mj said she would help thank god cause I know I couldn't do it by myself we were getting to go pay then we heard gun shots and yelling  

''everyone get on the ground now!!'' one of the masked guys said.

I quickly grab mj and headed for the back door then a masked man stopped us.

''going somewhere ladies?'' he asked 

''yes'' I replied 

''no can do'' he said pushing us back I grabbed his arm then flipped him to the ground once I made sure he was out I grab his mask and put it on I know its stupid to put it on but  I want to help everyone here at least no one can see me.

''stay here mj I'm gonna go help others''

''trust me I will''

I went over to other isles to help people I hated to explain why I wore the mask I used my powers to throw 2 of them against the wall I headed towards the front to help the people there but then something flipped me to the ground I tried to get up but they were on top of me oh great it was Spiderman 

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