chapter 13

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(A/N this pic is just *chefs kiss*)



''y/n time for school'' Friday announced

''I'm up Friday thank you''

I walked into my bathroom did my hair simple by curling lose curls then put on a bit of makeup then walked out and put on my outfit for school (a/n again you don't have to wear this )

I walked into my bathroom did my hair simple by curling lose curls then put on a bit of makeup then walked out and put on my outfit for school (a/n again you don't have to wear this )

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I grab my backpack and headed downstairs

''morning everyone '' I said walking over to sit down

''morning hun here's your breakfast'' my mom handed me an omelet

''thanks so where's dad?'' I asked

''he will be out in a few he's taking a shower'' she replied

''oh okay'' I said then started to eat

''hey kiddo''my dad said walking in and sat in front of me

''hey dad''

''I never did ask you about your date I think Thor told me you didn't want to talk about it no more how come?''he asked sipping his coffee

''the date was okay we watched the movie the ate ice cream after nothing that exciting'' I said shrugging then taking other bite of my omelet

''did he at least behave himself?'' he asked

''ohh you are worried about the wrong boy'' nat said smirking but drank her coffee to hide it

''what?'' my dad said I glared at nat

''nothing I don't know what she's talking about she probably hit her head or something right?'' I said looking over to her and glaring

''yeah I hit my head this morning on my bed'' she said

''I wonder what from hm'' my dad said smirking at her

''anyways y/n today after school combat training with me got it?'' nat said

''yup got it also dad?'' I asked


''could I walk to school today?''

''sure but before you go come with me'' he said standing up and nodding for me to come I got up and followed him down to the lab and sat on his stool

''I know your mom said I can't give you this stuff but here'' he handed me a watch''Friday is programmed into it so you can contact all the avengers if you are in danger also there's a laser pointer that works pretty well and sleep spray incase someone tries to kidnap you and other things you can figure out later'' he said putting the pretty black watch on me

''thanks dad its so cool and pretty'' I said hugging him

''your welcome but don't tell your mother she will kill me then you then me again got it?'' he said hugging back

''yup got it''

''now go get going before you are late to school'' he said

''okay okay bye see you later love u'' I yelled leaving the lab

''love u to stay safe''

after that I told everyone by and started walking to school it was a 10 minute walk from the tower to the school 10 minutes later I got to school safely I saw mj waiting by the door for me I walked over to her

''hey mj''

''hey y/n soo how was your weekend hm?'' she said smirking

''haha'' I said as we both walked into the school I stopped for a minute to watch the school news on the tv

''homecoming is coming up in 3 weeks the tickets are on sale now so go buy your tickets before its to late and get a date'' Betty announced

''do you have a date yet?'' jack asked Betty

''no not yet but I hope this one person would'' she said blushing

''wait homecoming is coming up what?'' I asked mj

''yeah you should've been here last year Peter literally missed the whole thing and liz had to switch schools cause her dad but her and Peter left on kinda weird terms it was crazy'' mj said pulling her book out of her bag

''you plan on going with anyone?'' I asked her

''I dunno probably gonna go solo like last year what about you?''

''I don't know either I guess just wait for someone to ask me'' I said shrugging

''is that someone maybe Peter hm?'' she asked

''n-no anyways I gotta head to class the bell is gonna in in a couple so byee'' I said running off to class

I walked into class and took my seat next to Peter today all we had to do was copy notes off the board and after we could just have a free time for the rest of the period I finished after half an hour so did Peter then we started to talk

''did you hear about homecoming?'' I asked him

''yeah you going?'' peter asked

''if someone asks me'' I said laughing

''maybe someone will'' he said smiling

''I hope so'' I said returning the smile

TIME SKIP (a/n im sorry guys for skipping so much but trust me its gonna be worth it btw time skipped to a week before hoco sorry..)

the past 2 weeks me and kai have been getting kinda close I guess you could say I was hoping he would ask me to homecoming or Peter me and Peter haven't really talked a lot besides classes and lunch he's busy after school all the time for some reason here I am in 5 period thinking about stupid things plus im really tired didn't sleep much last night cause of training whit nat and Wanda finally the bell rings I walked to my locker to get my books for next period then something fell out of my locker a note?

meet me at the garden -unknown

weird omg maybe someone is asking me to homecoming..

Peter's POV

''okay mj her class ends in a couple minutes so start walking and ask her to meet me here'' I asked mj

okay Peter today is the day you ask your crush out to homecoming I've been planning this for awhile now I decided to ask her in this empty classroom cause I know me and her don't want anyone paying attention cause we don't like people staring at us or anything anyways I got a sign and had ned help me out with it it said 'why join the dark side when you can join my side at Hoco?'' I got the idea since we both like Star Wars so why not?

''okay im gonna go grab her now be right back look alive Romeo'' mj said before walking off

okay you got this peter calm down while I was waiting I turned around and saw someone outside at the garden...

(a/n debating if I should continue to write this book or not lmk if I should ♥︎)

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