Chapter 4

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After the bell rang to go to our next class me and Peter,Mj and Ned all walked to pe together the coach had us do sit ups I was paired up with Mj and Peter and Ned together.

"Mj do you plan on holding on to my legs or are you just gonna read your book all day" I said rolling my eyes.

"Pe is for losers I'm not doing it plus I have a note that excuses me from not participating"she said rolling her eyes and continues to read her book.

"Ugh whatever can you just hold down my legs please you can continue to read while you do it please" I said.

"Fine whatever" she said while holding down my legs and reading her book for a couple seconds then puts it down and looks at me while I do sit ups " so how you liking it here so far run into any superhero's like spider-man or anyone?" She said.

"No I actually haven't and i don't plan on running into any of them especially spider-man" I said rolling my eyes.

"You don't like spider-man?" Peter said with a shocked expression.

"It's not that I don't like him it's just he doesn't give me much interests in him like okay he can protect the neighborhood and everything but I feel like we should have a girl out there to you know not leave it up to the men to just save us" I said shrugging.

"I like you even more now we do need a girl superhero to help us out to and not leave it all to the men" Mj said rolling her eyes.

"Well I think he's awesome" Peter said.

"Of course you would" Ned said laughing a little then Peter gave him a glare.

"Ookay well I'm done with the sit ups I'm gonna go change" I said getting up.

"Wait for me" Mj said standing up and sprinting towards me.

After I got changed I left the locker room to find Peter waiting out side of the room.

"H-hey um I saw your schedule and saw we had 5 period together so I figured we can walk together?" Peter said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah that would be great thanks" I said smiling.

As we walked to class me and Peter made small talk.

"So um how's New York so far for you?" He said.

"It's okay but my dad mostly works so we barely talk anymore but I find time to talk to him" I said looking down knowing what I said was actually true.

"Oh I'm sorry for that at least you have your mom right?" He said smiling a bit.

"My mom died giving birth" I said it's true but I have my mom pepper who I love.

"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry I didn't know" he said looking at me with a sorry look.

"It's okay I'm fine about it it doesn't bother me like it did before" I said smiling a little.

"My parents died from a plane crash and I now live with my aunt may and uncle Ben then my uncle died a couple years ago" Peter said looking sad.

"Oh I'm sorry Peter" I said while putting a hand on his back.

"It's okay" he said.

We entered in class we got assigned homework to do and class ended I went to my next class which was right next to peters which was weird but I shocked it off school ended happy came for me and we left to go home We then arrived at the tower I ran to the elevator then pressed my level then went to my room to change into leggings and a hoodie and slippers then walked out of my room into the living room where Steve and Nat were both on the ground with Morgan playing with fake food I swear those two are together I bet everyone 20 buck they are so I'll just have to wait and see what happens they then noticed me and smiled I sat down on the couch then Nat asked.

"So how was your first day of school!"she said.

"It was good I made some new friends"I said smiling.

"That's good I didn't have many friends growing up I mostly had Bucky" Steve said.

"Well I'm gonna go take a nap I have a headache I need sleep I'll see you guys at dinner" I said getting up and walking away.

As I walked away I swear I head Nat say.

" imagine if we had one" Nat said.

"One day maybe" Steve said back.

I didn't really think they actually said that I just thought cause I had a headache I was hearing things I got to my room then plopped in my bed then went to sleep.

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