chapter 11

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(A/N okay so instead of putting pics of tom at the beginning of the chapters im gonna put cute convos or whatever there called  lmk if you like them or want the pics back also I don't own them)

Y/N Pov

after the movie ended me and kai got up he still had his hand over my shoulder as we walked out I spotted Peter I waved by to him smiling he gave me a wave back half smiling after he looked down hm wonder what that was about

''hey do you wanna go grab ice cream?'' kai asked me


we got to a small ice cream stand I got (ic/f ice cream flavor)and kai got chocolate we ate our ice cream sitting down on a near by bench for my first date this isn't going so bad after I got done we talked for a couple more minutes then kai offered to take me home I didn't want to be rude so I said yes of course not to my actual home for obvious reasons he took me to the apartment I'll just ask happy to come get me later after we got there he stopped the car In front

''I had a really good time with you tonight do you maybe wanna go out again next Friday if you aren't to busy?'' he asked me

''yeah sure sounds fun and I also had a good time well thanks for such a great night''

''your welcome'' he said leaning in closer omg is he gonna kiss me he then kissed my cheek oh thanks god''see you Monday'' he said leaning back

''yeah bye'' I said getting out of the car and going inside I got to my apartment door unlocked it and sat down on the couch for my first date it wasn't so bad I guess its still pretty early I can just stay here for a bit maybe read outside on the fire escape and read a bit grab my copy of The Great Gatsby grabbed a blanket and my phone I headed out and started to read I read 10 pages until my phone buzz with a text I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Peter.


Peter:hey y/n sorry to bother you but you think I can come over real quick?

Me:yeah sure everything okay?

Peter:you will see when I come over but do you have a first aid kit?

Me:yeah I do why Peter I'm starting to get worried are you okay?

I then heard a soft knock I walked over to open the door to see Peter on his face I saw a small black eye starting to form and a cut on his lips

''oh my god peter what happened?'' I asked moving to the side for him to come in

''I got mugged'' he said looking down

''oh my here come sit on the couch I'm gonna go grab the first aid kit'' I quickly went to go grab the kit then went back into the living room to see a shirtless Peter he has a six pack what the fu-

''they also kinda stabbed me'' he said looking down not meeting my eyes

''peter what the hell happened you are gonna have to explain this to me'' I said opening the kit and grabbing band-aids

''I was just walking and 2 guys pulled me into an alley and just beat me upland stabbed me basically I would've gone home but I wanted to clean up before may saw me cause she would've freaked out '' he said

I walked over to grab a towel and sat back down on the couch I grabbed the alcohol and put some on the towel''this might sting just saying'' I gently tabbed it on the 2 stabbed wounds he winced a bit''good thing theses cuts aren't deep'' I said grabbing the band-aids and put them on

''thanks y/n'' he said grabbing his shirt no leave it off I thought oh my god what is wrong with me

''y-yeah no problem did the police at least catch them?'' I asked looking at his body omg y/n stop staring before he notices

''yeah spider-man actually came to my rescue he webbed them up then I called then police while he did that'' he said

''thats good'' I said half smiling

''yeah how was your date?''

''it was okay for my first one I literally thought he was gonna kiss me but he just kissed my cheek'' I said giggling at the last part

''oh thats nice'' peter said looking down

''you okay?''

''yeah fine just do you like him?''


''do you like kai? more then a friend'' he asked

''I don't know he's nice I guess'' I said shrugging

''c-can I-i try something?'' he asked

''sure?'' I said looking confused Peter then leaned in cupping my check the kiss me on the lips at first I was shocked then I put my arms around is neck then kissed back we kissed for a couple more seconds until we both pulled away when I got a text from happy

''oh I gotta go my um dad wants me to go to his work real quick my uncle is here to get me'' I said reading the text

''oh yeah I should go to I'll um see you at school on Monday?''he asked putting his shirt back on

''y-yeah'' I said standing up

''before I go I don't want things to be awkward I hope I didn't make things awkward between us..''

(A/N so what did you guys think about this chapter I had a lot of fun writing it I hope you guys like it cause I sure did anyways see you guys next chapter love ya♡

(A/N so what did you guys think about this chapter I had a lot of fun writing it I hope you guys like it cause I sure did anyways see you guys next chapter love ya♡

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