The Last

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Nicodemius King

"Would you like some tea auntie?" Young Scorpius offered me some, He was 12, a growing boy, learning etiquette from Draco and his wife.

"Thank you." I smile and take the cup from him. I look around me. I've visited Draco's place several times and Astoria's decor never fail to impress me. Their mansion's garden was decked with plants and sculptures.

"Auntie, might I ask you something?" Scorpius sits in front of me, moving the plate of biscuits. "Hmm?" I answer.

"Auntie Nicodemius... why did you... never marry?" He asks, averting his gaze. My chest heaves, like a hundred needles stabbing the numbing heart. It was seven years since I've last seen him.

Scorpius holds my hand, caresses it, "I'm sorry auntie, that question was rude of me." I smile, shaking my head 'no'.

"Auntie never found love again." I answer him. He stays silent, waiting for me to continue. "I've only ever loved a man once. He was good, and kind and bright." My eyes well up in tears, my throat tightens at the thought of Cedric Diggory.

"We met... at Hogwarts. He was quidditch captain." I chuckle, staring at the grass around us. "Didn't you ever want to see him again?" He asks. Scorpius seems quite interested in this topic which makes me wonder. Perhaps Draco told him.

"I wanted to see him. I wanted to see him atleast once.... and I did." I sigh, remembering seven years ago. "I did see him, with his daughter and wife." I smile remembering five years ago... at a muggle park, Cedric holding a baby girl... someone that looked exactly like Cho.

Scorpius' brows furrow. "But auntie, didn't he love you back? Why did he marry? Didn't you go to him?" Scorpius seems frustrated. I close my eyes, tears dropping. "I'm sorry Scorpius, Auntie is quite sleepy." I stood up, taking my walking stick and walking all the way to the door.

Astoria welcomes me, kissing my cheek. "Have you been well sister?" She asks me. I have a loving relationship with Draco's wife, treating each other as sisters.

"How's your eye?" She covers ny left eye with her soft hands. I smile... "Blurry," As tears ran down my cheeks worsening my already depleting eyesight.

I'm going blind, at least that's what the Wizards and muggle doctors told me. Could it be because I've been evil? Was this disease the payment for being hurtful and vile? Was this because I hated other bloods? I don't know. I start to laugh at the irony.

After the war, we lived normal lives.. away from the death eaters and the stuff that used to take up our lives before. Draco found a family within Astoria. I live with my mother. Our lives were different from before, quieter and... well... lacking.

Azra and I are still in touch. She ended up marrying Wood. Other than that I don't see anybody else from back then. It's all behind my past.

I stare at the blurry images in front of me. Astoria and Draco made sure to add lots of details in their home, making it beautiful to me even though I may hardly see it. I've got about five years of sight left, It's fast and deteriorating. I'm scared, I've been scared since I woke up with blurry vision but it's now been almost a year. I think i've seen enough in this life. I won't be able to see Scorpius  grow up into a very fine man but at least i'll feel him. I'll feel my family around me. That's enough for me... but a part of me ... longs to see him. One last time. Before I can no longer see the world, before everything vanishes from my vision.

I woke up this morning, my vision was blurrier than I could remember. It was a bad day. Scorpius marches towards my bed and hugs me. "Auntie can you come with me today?"

"Where to?" I ask, feeling his locks, his skin and remembering the appearance of my beloved nephew. "I want to take you somewhere."

Scorpius and I spent the morning preparing before he assisted me to ride on a carriage on the way to the woods. My sight was blurry but I felt the breeze on my face as Scorpius and his friend Albus sat in front of me.

"We're here." We stop by a path of trees. Albus assists my arm while Scorpius holds the other. We walk through the dry soil, turning into grass. I couldn't see much but when we stopped I finally realized where we were.

"What are we doing here?" I ask them. Scorpius takes my hands and places it on the tomb in front of me. "She misses you uncle Cedric."

Albus pulls Scorpius away, leaving me be. They walk a few tombs away

I melt, slowly falling onto my knees and sitting on the grass as I trace the letters on the tomb.

Cedric Diggory
1977- 2001

Oh Cedric, tears befall my eyes. I smile "I'm happy to see you again, Huttlepoop." Slowly sobbing onto my knees. I wished he answered, I wished he called me Sly.

Dream in light years, challenge miles, walk step by  step written on his tomb.

"You... foul... evil creature.. Huttlepoop... You didn't even say good bye."

I sigh, calming myself down.

"Who are you?" A male coice creeps behind me.

"Nicodemius....." He was agape. It was Amos, Cedric's father.

"Hey, Amos," I smile, rising up using my stick. He assists me.

"Thanks for visiting... He would've loved that." He smiles tapping me by the shoulder. I look at Cedirc's tomb.

"Why did he....." I couldn't continue.

"Cedric... had a frail heart. After the war his heart became sensitive. He founded a family and was happy. But sometimes his emotions also wrecked him, straining the ability of his heart, his condition worsened daily. But he... rested happily." Amos explained. I didn't know he became sickly after the war... Imense pain rose within me.

"Grandpa!" A little girl, about the same age as Scorpius appears before us. "Demi!" Amos chuckled.

"Hello," She greets me. "Were you a friend of my dad?" She asks. Tears pile up my eye. She looked exactly like him. I thought she would grow up to look like Cho, but those cheekbones, those lips, those curls, they were Cedric's.

"I was. We were very good friends." I smile, patting her head. "I'm Nicodemius Diggory." She smile at me. My heart shattered... Her name... her name was Nicodemius?

Amos looked at me worriedly, "Dem, Auntie is sick, let's not be too energetic." He hugs her.

"Hi Nicodemius..." I smile despite the pain.

"I'm Cedric's friend,


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