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"Today we will be brewing the well-known, Amortentia." Professor Severus Snape begins walking around the room. "I expect no annoying reactions unless you want me to throw you out of my class." Snape stares at all the girls, warning them.

The girls gush and whisper about what scent they think they would get. "This Class is making my skin crawl." I whisper to Draco who was taking notes with his quill. He nods, obviously sleepy. Snape calls the attention of everyone. "Brewing of this potion outside of class and without my supervision is prohibited. That is of course if you could even lay hands on these precious ingredients." He says hitting Ron Weasley, who was sleeping, on the head .

He approaches his blackboard and his cauldron on top of his desk. "Take some rose petals from the containers and pour over your cauldron. You may also use Rose thorns however the effects of petals last much longer than using thorns," He stares each of us down as if warning us to never try this alone. He then puts rose petals and powdered thorns into his cauldron.

"Drop one Ashwinder egg into the cauldron, these are .... serpent eggs, Harry Potter...." He stares into Potter who was silently following instructions. "We then drop a splash of peppermint and... Who could tell me what's next?" Snape stares into each of our souls. "Yes.... Granger?" He says without looking at her. "Moonstone and Pearl Dust, sir." The young lass speaks with confidence. "Very well, you all heard Miss Granger." Snape watches over all the students dropping things into their cauldron frantically mixing and smelling.

"Once I call your name stand up and tell the class what you smell." The girls scream earning a deadly stare from Professor Snape. "Mister Weasley! Ron Weasley, Stand up." Ron stands up nervously. "U-uhm I smell Catnip, Cat..." The twins snicker "Must be Filch." Fred whispers bringing the class to a laugh. I stare at Hermoine.. Mud-blood and Blood-Traitor love, I see.

"Mister Diggory, I see your group is making a fuss. Why don't you tell us what you smell?" The small group lets out some howls and pushes Diggory to stand. "Flowers....Honey and Strawberries." A bunch of Ravenclaws scream in the back while shoving a young Asian girl.

"I knew he'd smell Cho." "Just date already." A bunch of comments which are then hushed by Snape.

"Pathetic." Draco sulks beside me. "Nico, Do you smell anything?" He asks me. "Nope." It's true I can't smell anything which makes it great. This potion is Pathetic. Whoever invented it must not be even called a wizard.

"Well do you smell anything Draco?" I ask him as he fixes his position to get a better nap. "Just Vanilla, Shea Butter and the scent: I don't care." He hisses, facing Crabbe to ask what he and Goyle smelled.

"Longbottom!" Snape calls a dorky looking fella with funny teeth. "I am so over this class." I whisper getting into a napping position which Draco had earlier. "Uhm- I- there's-" The boy stutters. "Spit it out Longbottom, I don't have all day!" Snape hisses.

"Uhm There's Cedar wood, Musk, Jasmines, some Green apple.. I think, A hint of... Lemon? and Bamboo." Longbottom sits. Draco Grabs me by my shirt and sniffs me. "Ow! You stupid-" "I'm gonna kill that kid." He says pertaining to Longbottom. He raises both eyebrows at Crabbe and Goyle.

After Snape dismissed us there's a bunch of commotions going around Diggory and a raven haired girl with fringes. Draco grabs Crabbe and Goyle and heads to Longbottom, of course telling me that I should go ahead to the common room.

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