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We are now heading to the forest with Hagrid for Care of Magical Bullfrogs or something like that. Draco has healed now, even gaining the strength to trip Ron Weasley in the corridor earlier. The students gather into a crowd when Hagrid stops in the middle of the flock of trees. He whistles for quite a few minutes earning a laugh from Malfoy. "I think he's trying to call his mother." Gregory whispered, "Good one Goyle!" Draco laughs earning disgusted looks from Potter and his folks, "Shut up, Malfoy." Potter says.

"Dementor! Dementor!" Malfoy feigning a scared look to Potter. Draco really is charming with jokes. Except now, Potter is coming for his neck. Hagrid calms down the commotion by clearing his throat. A Bird-Horse? Horse-Bird thing has landed in the middle of the crowd.

"Isn't he beautiful? Say Hello to buckbeak." Hagrid says with a dramatic gesture of his arms. "That is a Hippogriff, First thing to know about Hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures."

After Potter has successfully rode the Hippogriff. Malfoy pushes through the crowd. "Yeah! He's not dangerous at all are you?" Seemingly annoyed that Potter successfully rode one. The Hippogriff then starts to attack Draco earning him a few scratches on his arm. "Ah! It's killed me! It's Killed me!" Draco, still laying on the ground.

"Calm down, It's just a few scratches." Hagrid tries to appease Draco. Mud-blood then yells "Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!" Hagrid carries Draco reminding us to wait for his return.

"You're gonna regret this! You and your bloody chicken!" Draco whining in the arms of Hagrid.

"Wait for my return." Hagrid now rushing to the clinic carrying seemingly lifeless Malfoy in his arms.

I spend my time looking at the plants and grasses waiting for Hagrid. After about twenty minutes I hear footsteps and talking so I return to the crowd.

"I have brought an upperclassman who they say can ride a Hippogriff well." Hagrid now bringing the captain of Hustlepeeps. "This is Mister Diggory from the year 5th."

Well burn my cauldron... of all people. Draco is not here too.

He approaches the Hippogriff, bowing for a few minutes before coming in to pet it. The Hippogriff then bends down to accommodate this tall boy for a ride. He quickly zooms past the head of the trees disappearing from our sight, Girls shrieking and swooning at this gentleman. Man, I really want Grapes.

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