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"For this year Dumbledore has asked me instead of grouping you by houses," Professor Sinistra waltzes around, her black robe mirroring the skies. "He asked me to mix the houses so it will be by pairs." Students groan and whine. Great, just another opportunity for me to suffer stereotypes and shit.

"We could be together. Don't you think so?" Luna beams at me, her voice gentle. I nod. We went ahead and sit by pairs. "Mister?" Professor Aurora questions him.

"Diggory." He answers, standing awkwardly. "Well, it's a shame Mister Diggory hasn't chosen a partner." Girls almost banish their partners just to accommodate this slug. "You two," I hear Professor. I was facing them with my back as Luna and I were chatting. I see black heels land beside me and Luna.

"Slytherin.. Ravenclaw.. Alright! You guys could use some yellow." She smiles at me and Luna, Luna smiling back. Great. Splendid.

Diggory sits in Indian style where Luna has made him some space. "Hi." He greets her. Professor stands in front of us all. "Our class will have a project that will go on for a few weeks, with your groups of course." She then clears her throat. "I have assigned various activities per group allow me to read them, listen carefully for your task."

"Bell, Finnigan. Your task is to write a journal about cloud movement. Longbottom, Creevey, Journal on each and every daily phenomena." She hands the students papers. "Pattinson, Cullen, yours is deep skies." She continues assigning.

"Now for this group of three," Professor Sinistra smiles. "Constellation movements, during these cold months of course." I close my eyes already dreading spending nights to look at burning balls of gas the their position in the sky.

"This means we'll have to set up night meetings." Charming Luna, Diggory clears his throat to answer. " I- may not always be available... maybe I could do three times a week." Oh so now we'll have to adjust for him. I stare at him unamused. "Uhm, I guess four times a week is okay." He smiles but then looks over the classroom locking eyes with that Ravenclaw Asian girl. Oh, that's why lover boy is not available so often at night.

"I'll be available always don't worry." Luna smiles at me. We spent the minutes trying to schedule a nightly meeting. "What about tonight?" I ask. Luna nods, while we both stare at Diggory, he nods awkwardly. "Yeah sure no problem."


I wrap my scarf around my neck and slip on my shoes. "Isn't it too cold to be going out? Do you want me to tell Father about this project?" Draco standing at my door. "It's fine Malfoy. Besides, don't you have somewhere to be tonight?" I ask him, His face reeking of embarrassment ."I told you, King. Shut Up." I smirk at him. I caught him once strolling about the Gryffindor common room eyeing Wood badly. "Whatever. Go home early." He says before walking away.

I arrive by the lake and Luna was already there sitting. "Hi Luna." She taps the space beside her. We hear footsteps behind us. "Sorry I'm late." He sits on the other side of Luna.

"It's quite dark isn't it?" His words producing smoke in the cold. "Thank you, Professor Obvious." I tell him as Luna laughs. We spend the night looking over stars using Luna's telescope. Her father gave them to her.

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