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Nicodemius King

I sit inside Mad-Eye Moody's class. "Ex-Auror, Ministry malcontent, Defense of the Dark Arts teacher, I'm here because Dumbledore asked. End of the Story, Good Bye." His appearance threatening each soul in this class. We discussed about the three unforgivable curses. I could see the horror in everyone's faces. Especially Longbottom, the guy Draco asked me to stay away from. We're familiar with these curses in the family so I don't really have to listen. I have the rest of the day free after this.

As soon as Mad-Eye dismisses us I rush to the common room. Professor Flitwick has asked me to take another class in place of Charms because according to him I already excel in his class so there's really no need to take it. One less class. My owl perches up on my window pane, A neatly folded envelop between its beak. I don't want to read it. I dread letters like this.

'You're now in the fourth year. Do well.' How encouraging except I do know what 'Do well' means. 'Do not disappoint us. Listen to your Uncle Lucius.' etcetera etcetera. I know very well.

I head to the living room of the common room. "Did you hear? Did you hear? Harry Potter also got chosen! As well as Cedric Diggory!" Excited first years run about the common room until one notices me sitting. "Quiet now, King is there." One says pertaining to me.

There's no Slytherin Champion, more reasons we cannot be excited about that event. "Nicodemius King?" A second year calls my attention. "This is your subject list for you fourth year in Hogwarts." She must've been asked to deliver. I stare at the serpent seal.

Great, No Charms, More Potions, Defense of the Dark Arts with Moody, Herbology and Astronomy. I have astronomy class tonight. I might as well sleep in for the day.


I climb up the stairs, crisp, wintry air brushing my shoulder length hair away from my face. And I observe everyone from the back of the class. Thrilled. Not really, we're mixed again, all houses fourth to sixth years... And they say Hogwarts has budget... Pathetic!

"My name is Aurora Sinistra and I will be your professor for this year's astrology." A paper-white woman with sharp features walk against the railings. She offers a smile. "Now why are you guys here? because of the stars. I have a great feeling your lives are gonna be touched in this class."

I feel a presence beside me. "Sly," Cedric Diggory sporting a boyish smile. I of course ignore him. Pathetic. I stand beside a blonde girl who was all alone in the corner. "Your boots are untied." She comments on my boots. "Nargles." Charming, She really is. "I'm Luna Lovegood, and you are... a Malfoy?" She smiles. "Nicodemius King, Nice to meet you Luna Lovegood." I am rarely friendly. There's just something about this girl.

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