twenty one

315 9 4

As I was walking to the dungeons it began snowing outside. Never minding the cold I walk towards the doors, welcomed by the winter wind. My shoes make marks on the snow and the material of my white dress trails behind me. The music was far but it was still heard outside. I catch some snowflakes on my palm, watching them pile up into shiny white dust against my skin.

I hear someone clear his throat behind me. I face him, Cedric Diggory in all his Glory. Looking intoxicatingly good in his robes. His soft hair catching the snowflakes and his lips even redder in the cold. "I never caught your hand for a dance." He smiles.

"It's cold out here Diggory." I hold his hand which he held out for me. "I could say the same, King. It's freezing out here." He takes my waist. His warm hands against my cold fingertips. I brush the snowflakes landing on his shoulder. We dance in silence for a while, only the further muffled sound of the music inside playing. He chuckles, "I heard Masen Cullen took you." I nod while watching our feet shove the snow away.

I look at him, snowflakes piling on his eyelashes. I remove it with my thumb. as he stays still waiting for me to finish. He smiles. "You look like you're about to get married." He chuckles. "Are you making fun of my dress? Well your suit looks like a Groom's suit too so you're not the one to talk." I laugh with him.

"Yeah, I guess so." He crouches near, I don't know what to expect. He's dangerously near, my heart can't take it. This is bad for my health.

"Snowflake." He glides his thumb on my cheek. I look the other way. "Thanks." He smiles and swallows. "You're welcome Sly."

"Good luck for the second task Diggory." I tell him. "Cedric," He corrects me. I laugh. "What's wrong with calling you Diggory?" He smiles. "You make it sound like we're not... friends." I shake my head. "We're friends Cedric, Don't worry." We spend a few minutes dancing before heading back inside.


I stand at the tower they prepared for the audience to watch the second task. I look below at the contestants. Potter is alone, that's new. No Ron or Hermoine beside him. I look ever to the other watching towers, Everybody was awfully panicky. The Hufflepuff were still noisy but the Ravenclaws.. I look at them, Chang's not there and her friends look worried.

"What's the task?" I ask Azra who just shrugs. Dumbledore speaks. "Welcome to the second task! Last night something was stolen form each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion now lie at the bottom of the Black Lake." Dumbledore continues explaining. "That's why Harry's friends aren't with him." Azra whispers. And I guess I know who's Cedric's treasure.

Malfoy grits his teeth. "At least you're not at the bottom of the lake." He says, pissed. "Stop it Draco." I answer. I just want Cedric to be back up safe. After almost an hour of painfully watching the water for any sign that he's back Cedric rushes up carrying Cho. He was winner but Dumbledore gave points to Potter who rescued Fleur's treasure.


Few days after the second task I was rushing to the Dungeons after Potions class when Moody approached me. "Professor Moody," I address him. He was supposed to say something but he rushed off to somewhere, not before saying "Say hi to your parents for me."

The third task is finally approaching. Words spread about Cedric and Cho of course. One of the great champions rescuing his girlfriend from sirens under the Black Lake. So romantic I could almost faint.

Cedric was standing just outside the Dungeons. "Hey," He greets me. "Cedric," I acknowledge his presence. "About the second task." "Yeah, It's a shame Potter got tied with you for morals but congratulations Ced!" I greet him with a small smile. "Cho's not my girlfriend." He swallows. "Oh?" I don't know what to say. "That's a shame." I try to pass by him but he holds my arm. "They would've took you, and If I knew in my mind that you were under the Black Lake I don't know what I would do." He spits his words out.

"Cedric, Cho Chang is all good, why would you even-" He pulls me inside a broom cabinet. "Snape's there" He whispers. A Hufflepuff by the Slytherin quarters... yeah Snape would freak. A few minutes and We could still hear Snape talking outside.

Something's poking my back. "Cedric, your wand is-" I look at his hands that were against the wall. His wand was there. "Do I want to know what's behind me?" I ask him. "No. Not really." He answers. "Fine."

After a few minutes we step out of the Broom Cabinet. "Nicodemius, about me and Cho.. we're not... She's not you." He explains. I smile. "I know Cedric. Thank you." for not letting me be in that lake, for dancing with me at the Yule, for the stars and the ladder and us. I'll tell him soon. I kiss him on the cheek and head inside.

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