Mister Akira Kurusu and Miss (Y/n) (L/n)

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        Fingers snapped in front of Akira's face, making him jolt out of his slumber. You stood there, a cheerful smile on your face as you saw the sleepy onyx-haired boy wake from the dream world. "Hey, there, sleepyhead," you greeted. "Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could scoot over just a tiny bit. I know the train is kinda busy, but my knee's starting to act up. Can't stand for too long, ya know?"

"Oh, sure," Akira said, moving himself closer to the edge of the subway train seat. You sighed, plopping yourself in the empty space right next to him. As soon as you sat down, a sigh of relief left your lips. You pull up your right pant leg, revealing your slightly misshaped and discolored knee and rubbed it in order to ease the ache. "That looks really bad," Akira stated, feeling more worried for you with each second he looked at it.

"Pfft, this?" You gestured to your knee. "I was stupid and broke it ages ago. Doctors and surgeons all say the same thing: it won't fully heal. Now, I can't stand on it very long. Kinda sucks, but what can you do?" Despite the depressing thought of your handicap, you still had a carefree and cheerful smile on your face. You pushed back some hair that was getting in your face as the intercom came on.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for riding with us today," said a female voice, polite and formal with her tone. "We will be arriving in Shibuya shortly. This is the last stop for this line. Please transfer here for all subway lines." She repeated the information once more before the intercom went silent.

"Guess it's about time to get off, huh?" you stated, pulling your pant leg back down. "My last stop is Shibuya. What's yours?"

"Yongen-Jaya," Akira answered simply.

"Yongen, huh?" you mused. "I know an amazing little place that you have to try sometime. It's a coffee shop called Leblanc. I always stop by if I'm going to be in town. I definitely recommend it."

"I'll make sure to try it," Akira noted, a small smile decorating his pale features. The train began to slow down, signaling that the ride was coming to an end.

"Guess it's time we make like a banana and split," you said, giggling a bit after that statement. You stood up, tripping a bit as your knee got used to the weight being back on it.

"Are you going to be okay?" Akira asked, willing to help you home if you needed it.

"Oh, perfectly fine!" you assured. "Just gotta get back home and become one with the couch for about an hour, then I should be good as new!" A thought suddenly came to your mind. "Oh, by the by, I'd be careful riding the subway. There have been a couple cases of mental shutdowns, and I'm not sure how much more out-of-hand they're gonna get. Just thought I'd warn you." With that said, you walked away, a small limp in your step.

You opened the door to your apartment with the key you always kept in the change pocket of your pants. "Sayuri, I'm home!" you shouted into the apartment. You heard the sink in the kitchen stop and footsteps approaching the living area.

"There you are, child!" she exclaimed with her hands on her hips. Sayuri was a woman with thin, sable colored hair that was put back into a simple braid. Her typically soft, deep sea eyes glowered at you, giving you the sense she was irritated by something you did and/or did not do. "I know riding the subway clears your mind, but the least you could do is send a text for how long you'll be riding. I tried to message you, but you didn't even read them." She sighed, moving her arms so they were crossed over her chest. "Honestly, you're the only teenage girl I know who hardly looks at her phone." You gave a soft chuckle.

"But you always told me it was bad to be glued to your phone," you retorted, going to sit down on the couch. The relief you felt from getting the weight off your knee was heavenly.

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