Pianistic Melodies

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                The date on Madarame's change of heart was closing in. Yusuke explained in the group chat that the man himself had started confining himself in his room. He didn't speak much, either. The others assured the same thing happened with Kamoshida, which slightly put Yusuke at ease.

It was currently the end of class, and you were packing up your bag. "But, yeah," Ryuji said, finishing up whatever spiel he was going on about. "Anyway, I gotta get goin'. I promised my mom I'd help her out around the house today."

"I shouldn't keep you much longer, then," you responded. "Besides, I have a couple questions to ask Hiruta-sensei about today's lesson. There were some things I didn't quite understand during the lecture. He can sometimes be a little... over-exaggerated."

"I get what ya mean," the blond said, giving a knowing sigh. "In any case, see you tomorrow, (Y/n)." You waved him off before gathering the rest of your stuff and making your way to the faculty office. You spotted Hiruta-sensei doing paperwork at his desk, and you walked behind him.

"Hiruta-sensei?" you called. He turned around in his chair to face you.

"Ah, (L/n)-san, how can I help you today?"

"Yes, I was wondering if you could explain some parts of the lesson over again. There were some things I didn't understand the first time, and I think I'd get it with a deeper explanation."

"Of course!" Hiruta-sensei then began a very lengthy explanation on the mutation of cells, and you got lost about half way through. Some of your many questions were answered, but in return, you gained twice as many. Instead of asking him to explain further, you figured you would be better off studying on your own. You respectfully thanked him for his time and help and took off down the hallways.

You rubbed the bridge of your nose. If you wanted to be confused after a lesson, you'd ask Sayuri to teach you. You looked up from you hand, and your eyes scanned a sign labeled 'Music Room'. Huh. You had forgotten Shujin had a music room. Sometimes, you forgot Shujin had a band. Your feet slowed to a stop in front of the door. No music sounded from the other side, so the band must have packed up and left for the day. You pursed your lips, your curiosity getting the better of you. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek, right?

You gently knocked on the door. Of course, if anyone were in there, you doubt they'd hear you. From what you vaguely remember, the music room was actually pretty huge. You slide open the door, slipping your head through and glancing in every direction. The room was completely empty, and you took that as the cue to fully emerge yourself. Rental instrument cases were in piles in the corner of the room, and on the left-mid, sat a wonderfully polished grand piano.

Slowly, almost cautiously, you approached it. You ran your hand across the key cover before gently flipping it over. Ivory and ebony keys stared back at you, practically taunting you. Your mind flashed to a time where those white keys were stained in red. Lost in your memories, you barely noticed your finger landing on the C key. Your mind returned to the present as the note rang out. Before you could stop yourself, your fingers went along the keys, easily playing the C major scale. Your finger spread, and a C major chord rang beautifully throughout the room. You slightly smiled. In all your agony, you forgot how... fun this could actually be.

You placed yourself on the stool, figuring you might be staying here a little longer than you predicted. You played a B flat scale before playing its chord. A flat minor chord. F major scale. Chord after chord, scale after scale, your fingers danced across the keys. Your fingers pressed the keys to a G sharp minor chord, and you froze. G sharp minor, what a horrifying key. Did you even remember how to play that piece? It's been so long, after all. Your body reacted on its own, and you began to play.

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