Phantom Thieves Confirmed

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        "What do you mean I can't see her?!" Ryuji questioned in annoyance.

"Like I said, sir, visiting hours ended thirty minutes ago," the attendant at the counter replied, showing an extreme amount of patience. "You'll just have to come back and visit her tomorrow." Ryuji growled, frustrated that he couldn't see his best friend at this very moment. He was worried sick, and he only received the information from Sayuri that you had woken up only after they officially accepted Ann into the group to take down Kamoshida. The moment he saw the message, he ran to the hospital with the other two hot on his trail. Turns out, all of it was for naught.

Akira placed a hand on the blond's shoulder. "Calm down, man," he said simply. "We can just see her tomorrow after school."

"Exactly," Ann piped in. "She's awake, and from what you told us, it sounds like she's pretty functional. I think she'll be okay if we wait until tomorrow. We can go right after classes end!" Ryuji huffed as Akira dropped his hand from the blond's shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess, but I really wanted to see her now," he whined.

"Jeez, sounds like you have a crush on her," Morgana teased from inside Akira's bag, making a feint blush cross Ryuji's cheeks.

"I do not have a crush on her," he denied. "Why would I have a crush on my best friend? That's weird!"

"Actually, it's quite normal," Akira stated. "You aren't best friends without a bit of romance in your relationship."

"You say that like you've had a relationship like that," Ann pointed out, to which the onyx-haired boy merely shrugged. "Anyway, we should probably leave. There's no point in just loitering around here." The others nodded, and they all left the hospital, much to the attendant's relief.

Ryuji tapped his foot, his gaze traveling from your empty desk to the clock. It was the last class of the day, and Ryuji was anxious to meet up with the others and head over to the hospital. Over and over again his gaze shifted from your seat to the clock. The minutes seemed to slow down with each glance. Then, it happened. The final bell sounded its toll, and Ryuji shot out of his seat like a rocket. He rushed his way to the front gate, passing by others who looked at him with annoyed confusion. He stood out there for a few minutes, shifting his weight back and forth on each foot.

"Restless much?" Akira asked as he made his way down the stairs, Ann right behind him and Morgana in his bag. "Let's go see her, then." The four made their way to the hospital and checked in with the front desk. You were three floors up and seven doors down. Ryuji could feel his hands become clammy as he entered the elevator. You were probably miserable in the hospital, confined to a bed and the pain of the fall killing your nerves. He could imagine your pallid features turning to face him, your smile gone from your face.

The group walked down the hallway until they reached room 307. "This is the room, right?" Ann asked hypothetically before gently knocking. Ryuji got nervous. He didn't want to see your miserable form. Of course, that would only make his will to beat Kamoshida even greater. The door opened, but instead of you, the group saw Sayuri.

"Oh, Ryuji-kun, hello," she greeted before looking at the other two. "I haven't met you two yet. I'm Sayuri (L/n). I'm the head of police."

"I'm Ann Takamaki," Ann introduced. "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's mine," Sayuri responded. She turned to Akira with a curious gaze.

"My name's Akira Kurusu," he said politely. Sayuri pressed her thumb and index finger to her chin.

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