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You took a deep breath, your eyes slowly opening and revealing the dull, white room of the hospital you lied in. You glanced around, your head fuzzy and your throat parched. You wanted nothing more than water right now. You turned to the small box TV that sat in the corner of the room. It was set to some news channel, but the words the woman said came to you in small blurs: the weather, a sports broadcast, a missing person's case, you falling off the school roof. Oh, yeah. You did fall off a three-story building. You thought you told people not to speak about that. It didn't matter now. You were too exhausted to be mad or upset about any of it.

You're not sure how long you spent disassociating on the television, but the sharp pierce of the nurse's voice brought you back to reality. "Oh, you're awake," she stated. Your jaded expression shifted over to her. "Honestly, I'm very surprised by your case. You stayed awake so long in the ambulance that I was sure you wouldn't wake for some time." You didn't say anything, just blank look. "It looks like the shock still hasn't worn off, though." The nurse wrote a couple things on her clip board before turning to type things into the computer. She took multiple basic health tests before saying, "I'll let the doctor know you're awake. After he's done, your mother can visit you."

The nurse left without another word, and you sat there with the tv as background noise. You weren't sure how much time passed. It could have been five minutes, it could have been thirty, but within time the doctor entered the room. "Ah, hello, (L/n)-chan!" he greeted, placing down his clipboard. The nurse from before walked in with him. "What's the update?" he asked the nurse.

"She seems cognitive enough to physically respond to vocal communications, but she didn't talk to me before," the nurse replied. "Her mind is most likely still in shock from the events earlier today. Other than that, everything is just as it was." The doctor typed some things into the computer before turning to you.

"You're extremely luck, (L/n)-chan," the doctor stated. "Most people don't survive after falling from that height. Those who do sometimes end up in a coma they can't wake up from. Yet, you managed to get off with a couple of broken bones and a dislocated shoulder. We're all extremely surprised by your condition." He flipped through the papers on his clipboard. "As I stated earlier, you dislocated your shoulder and your arm and leg are broken." Your gaze trails to the cast wrapped around your bad leg. "Luckily, they broke in places that heal quickly and easily, so you should be out of those clunky casts in no time." He placed his clipboard on the counter. "Also, there's one more thing about your leg. It seems like it broke and didn't heal properly before. I won't ask about it, but I do want to warn you. Luckily, the break was not in your knee. However, because of that break, where your leg broke turned out to be worse. Without much leg therapy, you will never walk again. It's a difficult process to endure. The choice is up to you, and I want you to consider the therapy, but I won't blame you if you choose not to do it." The doctor bowed. "I will see you in another few hours. In the meantime, I shall bring your mother in." He left the room and the nurse followed.

You sighed, feeling the thoughts in your head starting to swirl. What would Sayuri say about all of this? Surely she wouldn't be happy. Would she take you out of school? No, she wouldn't do that after how much social progress you've had here. That was technically her job: making sure that you were socially and mentally corrected. She was a smart woman and knew what you needed.

A soft knock sounded on the door before it creaked open. "(Y/n), may I come in?" Sayuri's voice asked from behind the door. When you didn't respond, you could hear her take a shaky breath before entering the room the rest of the way. Her breath faltered when she saw your dull and pale look. She still mustered up a small, gentle smile. "How are you feeling?" she asked shakily. You didn't say anything and just stared blankly ahead. Her expression turned serious and somber. "I guess I'll cut to the chase, then. What you did was utterly stupid and foolish. I understand why you did it, but even so, your actions were unnecessary. You could have rescued the girl in a much safer way than scaling your school and standing on the edge with her. What were you even thinking?! You could have died. How upset do you think Makoto would be, how Akechi would be, how Ryuji would be, how I would be?!" Tears pricked in her eyes as she ran a hand through her hair, slightly undoing her braid. She looked down and grit her teeth, trying to get a hold of her feelings.

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