At Peace

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        "So, when do you think the change of heart will happen?" you asked Akira. The two of you walked side by side away from the school. You asked earlier if you could take the trip with him to Leblanc, and of course he agreed. "Is there a specific amount of time this is supposed to happen in?" Akira gave you a shrug. "So, then, what about with Kamoshida? He had a change of heart right before you, Ryuji, and Yuuki got suspended, right? Are you saying the timing was just lucky?"

"Pretty much," the boy answered. You huffed.

"So, basically, we're hoping for another streak of luck," you concluded. Akira nodded. "How do we even know if this is going to work?" Morgana popped up from inside Akira's bag.

"We did all the same steps as Kamoshida's Palace," he stated. "I'm confident that Madarame will have the same reaction he did."

"I'll take your word for it," you sighed. The three of you finally made it to the small coffee house. Akira opened the door like a gentleman, and you gave him a giggly 'thank you'.

"Ah, you're back," Sojiro's old voice said from behind the counter. His weary eyes traveled to you, and he grew a small smile. "I see (Y/n)-chan's with you, too."

"Hi, Boss!" you greet, plopping yourself on one of the bar stools. Sojiro folded and set down his newspaper, now giving you his undivided attention.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? Almost two months, now? I hope Akira hasn't been giving you any trouble," he jested.

"Oh, he's been really supportive," you reply. "He helped me out when I broke my leg a little bit ago. If we were almost late to school, he'd carry me there."

"I'm going to put my bag away," Akira muttered while going to the attic, but you and Sojiro continued your conversation without directly acknowledging what he said.

"That's good," Sojiro sighed. "I was honestly a little nervous when I first took him in. I honestly had no clue what I was getting into, but I guess he isn't too bad of a guy. Speaking of which, he told me about what happened with your leg. You holding up okay? I can't imagine handling that was easy."

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine," you answered with the wave of your hand. "It may sound shocking, but it's honestly not the worst I've been through."

"Goodness gracious," Sojiro sighed. "If you've been through worse, then you must be one strong girl to recover from it."

"Yeah," you muttered, your mind trailing to your palace. You doubted you're fully recovered from your past. To be honest, you doubt you ever would be. Akira came trotting back down the stairs, his bag no longer on his shoulder and Morgana no longer in sight.

"Akira, mind taking over the shop for a bit?" Sojiro requested. "I need to go grab some more cigs from the shop." Akira silently nodded, and Sojiro left from behind the counter and out the door. Akira unbuttoned his school blazer and switched it out for one of the shop's aprons.

"Do you want anything?" the onyx-haired boy questioned you.

"Can you make (fav coffee)?" Akira scrunched his brows and pursed his lips slightly.

"I can try," he said before getting to work. He moved with some uncertainty, and his actions seemed amateurish. You could tell he hadn't been making coffee long. Eventually, he placed the cup in front of you. "Here you go. Can't guarantee it'll taste any good." You gently lifted the cup up by the handle, bringing the rim to your lips. The liquid slipped between your mouth and danced on your tongue. You immediately bring the cup away as your face contorts in distaste. "That bad, huh?" he rhetorically asked with a chuckle.

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