The Epidemic

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 Tuesday was just as dreary as yesterday, the weather not wanting to let the water from the previous drizzle dry up. You managed to score a seat on the subway, giving you the ability to use your hands freely. You scrolled through your phone until the announcement went off that the train was arriving in Aoyama-Itchome. You shoved your phone in your bag and prepared to leave. A familiar mop of onyx-colored caught your eye, and you smiled.

The train doors opened, letting some of the crowd get off before others came on. You pushed past others, your eyes solely focused on the bed-head with the Shujin uniform. As soon as you got close enough, you whispered into his ear, "I've finally got you." He tensed and jumped around, a frazzled look in his eyes. He soon relaxed as he saw you gleefully giggling away. "Sorry," you apologized half-heartedly. "I guess that was a bit creepy, huh?" You hold your hand out for him to shake. "I never introduced myself despite how many times I've seen you. I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Feel free to call me (Y/n)." He gingerly took your hand in his, feeling the shared warmth between the contact.

"I'm Akira Kurusu," he replied. You let go of his hand as you gasped in excitement.

"You're seriously named Akira?" you questioned, joy sparking in your eyes. Akira nodded, a little bit confused by your sudden enthusiasm. "That's so cool! I love the name Akira! It sounds like it just came out of an anime. It just makes you seem like this cool and mysterious guy that could totally kick some butt, you know?! If I ever have a son, I'm totally naming him that!" Akira couldn't help but chuckle as he watched you say his given name over and over. He honestly felt glad his parents decided to name him Akira instead of their second choice, Ren. You suddenly snapped to attention. "Oh, we're going to be late to school because of me. Let's talk on the way there, Akira." You couldn't stop the massive grin on your face when you said his name.

You two continued to walk to school, talking and blabbering away as if you had all the time in the world. Well, you did most of the talking while Akira simply listened while occasionally answering a question you threw at him. His focus was only half on your chatter, the other half being on your slight limp. With every uneven step you took, his curiosity grew even more. What exactly happened for you to have such a sustaining injury? He knew of people getting gravely injured, but then healing up just fine within a few months. Even if it didn't fully heal, would it make you gain such an obvious limp?

"By the by, Akira, did you ever try out the cafe I mentioned to you on the train?" you asked, causing him to return all of his attention on you.

"Oh, I actually live there," he stated. You almost stopped dead in your tracks from the information. You looked at the onyx-haired boy with admiration and a hint of longing and mild jealousy.

"No way!" you squealed. "You live at Leblanc? That's so lucky! What's it like living there?" Akira shrugged, not sure how to describe living in a dusty, damp place with no heating or cooling.

"It's bearable," he replied. You smiled, your mind running wild with the thoughts of living in one of the best cafes in Tokyo. The smell of coffee greeting you everyday matched with the delicious taste of curry waiting for you downstairs. What a life to die for. The sight of the school came into your vision, wrecking your tasteful fantasies with the reminder it was only Tuesday.

"Man!" you whined. "We're going to have to split up soon. So not cool..." As soon as the two of you reached the front steps, you turned to the boy while giving him a glimmering smile. "Well, I know I'll definitely talk to you later. Now, I have to get to class." You put a finger to your chin in thought. "I wonder if Ryuji's already there..." You shook your head. "Anyway, gotta scram." An idea shot through your head. "Oh, real quick, give me your phone." Akira shuffled through his pockets before handing you his device. You fiddled around with it a bit before handing it back to him. "I put my number in there if you wanna hang out some time. Anyway, see ya! For real, this time." You hop up the stairs, making sure that you were careful in order to not let your knee go out on you.

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