The Changing of Kamoshida

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        Makoto helped you get out of the taxi and into your wheelchair. "You sure you're going to be okay?" Sayuri asked from inside the taxi. You gave her a wild grin and two enthusiastic thumbs up.

"As long as I have Makoto to help me out, I'll be just dandy!" you affirmed. Sayuri smiled before bidding you goodbye and having the taxi driver take off. You turned to Makoto, a giant smile on your face. "All right! Back to school we go! Now, vamos!" You pointed your good arm out in front of you. Makoto chuckled, wheeling you up the stairs.

"You seem really excited about returning to your classes," she stated.

"Of course!" you cheered. "Do you know how boring it is to sit in the hospital with nothing the news channel to entertain you? I would have rather stayed in a coma!" Makoto sighed, going around you to open the door. You managed to wheel yourself inside with your single good arm with a bit of struggle, but once you were most of the way through, your friend pushed you the rest of the way. A couple students who were already there stared at you, quickly whispering to their friends. A trio of girls walked in front of you, stopping you and Makoto.

"Um, excuse us," Makoto said politely.

"Sorry, we just wanted to say that what you did Friday days ago was really brave," the girl in front complimented.

"Yeah, I mean, I would never break a window and scale a building just to stop someone from committing suicide," the girl to the right stated.

"Not to mention that you have so little injuries when you could have lost your life!" the girl on the left exclaimed. "It's nothing short of a miracle!"

"Oh, thank you!" you said, a cheerful smile on your face. "Sorry, but do you mind if I get to class. It can be quite a trip up the stairs."

"Oh, of course," the girl in front complied. "I didn't mean to hold you up." The three girls walked away, all giggling to themselves.

"It seems you're starting to get pretty popular," Makoto commented.

"It was all fake," you stated. Makoto looked at you in shock. "Those girls called me a slut the day before. You could tell they were fake by how overly chipper they seemed. Usually, people would wish someone who's hurt to get better soon, or they would worry over them, but they did neither. Instead, they fished out compliments and stated what they would or would not do. I've given myself a big name in a good light. If you're friends with the popular kid, then automatically you're more popular by default. That's how it works."

"Wow," Makoto muttered with a disheartened chuckle. "I never thought I'd hear you say something like that." You shrugged, and the two of you trekked onward. Right when you hit the stairs, you saw a large group of students surrounding the bulletin board. Curious, you craned your neck to see what was so important. Kamoshida waltzed in, curious about the cause of commotion, and the students dispersed.

"Who is responsible for this?!" the man exclaimed in outrage, peaking your curiosity even more. The man began questioning every student around him, demanding to know who put up whatever was on the board.

"I think we should leave before things get hectic," Makoto suggested, and you nodded. With a bit of struggle and a bit of help from some other students, Makoto managed to wheel you into class. You talked about a few more things before she eventually had to leave for class. Ryuji showed up not too long after, a confident grin on his face.

"Hey," you called out to him. "Thanks for visiting for me in the hospital so many times," you growled sarcastically. "I feel so super appreciated."

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