Girl Time

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        "I've never done my nails before," you stated, glancing at Ann who was sitting next to you on your bed. The two of you had decided to casually hang out together until Akira deemed it time to fully infiltrate Madarame's palace. She gasped, looking playfully offended.

"Never?!" You nodded. "Well, we're going to change that," she huffed. Ann grabbed your wrists and dragged you out of your room. The two of you quickly took off to the subway mall before stopping next to one of the shops. The walls were pink and frilly, and at the entrance was a rotating rack filled with different shades of nail polish. "What color do you want to try first?" she asked. "Don't worry about the price; I'll buy." You eyes scanned over the different nail polishes. Some stated they were crackle, while others were sparkle. You pursed your lips and furrowed your brows. You turned back to your blonde friend.

"Do I have to choose?" you asked. "I mean, it's not really a big deal. Having my nails painted isn't that big of a need, is it?" Ann smiled, rolling her eyes with a playful huff.

"Just pick a color!" she demanded. "Trust me. Once you get into it, painting nails is loads of fun." You hummed and turned back to the rack. Eventually, your eyes settled on a soft periwinkle. You plucked the bottle from the rack and turned to show Ann.

"How about this one?" you suggested. Ann, who was shifting through the red and pink colors, turned to you. Her eyes sparkled when she saw the bottle.

"Oooh~, that's a pretty color," she stated. "I might just have to get one for myself." She continued her search before picking a blood red, a rose pink, a bold cyan, and the same soft shade of periwinkle you chose. "I think that's enough for now. If I stay here any longer, I might just buy the whole rack!" You two giggled. Ann snatched your bottle from your hands, taking the slightly large bundle of nail products to the cash register.

"Oh, I can pay for mine," you insisted.

"Oh, please!" Ann huffed. "I already told you I was paying. Besides, I have more money than I know what to do with." Before you could protest further, Ann had already placed the yen on the counter, and the cashier had already grabbed the money. You sighed, seeing your small attempt fall away to nothing. The blonde girl grabbed the bag that was handed to her and turned to you with a smile. "Alright! Let's go test these bad boys out!"

The two of you returned to your apartment, Ann skipping with glee. You two made idle chatter, even after returning to your room. "So, how exactly do you do this?" you questioned, watching Ann take out the color you picked. "Is there like a process or special procedure?" Ann giggled.

"Not really," she answered. She shook the bottle. "All you really gotta do it shake the bottle, unscrew the cap, and then paint your nails." You hummed. Ann unscrewed the cap and gestured to give her your hand. You sheepishly hold your hand out, Ann taking it and gently using the brush to color your nails. The liquid made the tips of your fingers a bit chilled, but it wasn't unwelcome. "I can't believe you've never done this before."

"Well, no one really was there to do it with me," you explained, watching closely as the color brightly shone from your nails. "I mean, Sayuri's always at work, so she doesn't really have time to do this kind of stuff. Makoto never has been a big nail person. Although, I never really asked." You could hear Ann scoff once you mentioned Makoto's name. You frowned a bit. "All my other friends were guys, so..." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why... do you dislike Makoto so much?" you asked hesitantly.

"It's not that I dislike her," Ann stated. "It's just she needs to mind her own business, you know? I mean, she's so nosy, and I bet you she's pinning all the suspicions of us being the Phantom Thieves."

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