Just a Little Time

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        Yuuki~: Hey, (Y/n)

Yuuki~: Can we talk somewhere?

Yuuki~: You can pick the place

The string of texts seemed innocent at first. It was just another date between you and your boyfriend. However, something bothered you about that second message. 'Can we talk somewhere'? Who phrases a date like that? Either way, you replied straight away. Any time spent with your boyfriend was time well spent.

Sure! :You

How about the park? :You

We can meet in an hour, if you want :You

Yuuki~: Okay

That was the only thing he texted. There was no 'See you then'. There was no 'I can't wait'. There was no 'I love you'. That was the second sign you picked up. Something was amiss. Did something happen that Yuuki needed to talk to you about? Something serious? You furrowed your eyebrows, a small frown covering your face. Whatever it was, you hoped you could help him out. You had seen him with a few more injuries than usual. He typically brushed them off with his usual excuse of he got them from practice. Worry started to bubble in the pit of your stomach.

You shook your head. It had to be nothing too serious. He would call you if that were the case. You promised each other you'd call if there was a problem. Your smile grew back, and you happily got ready. You wanted to look nice for him. You dressed up in a cute, yellow dress that reached just below your knees and set your long hair into curls. You placed a sunflower headband on top of your head and rubbed a bit of lip gloss on your bottom lip, making sure to rub it on the top.

You practically skipped to the doorway when you were done. "Where are you going?" Sayuri questioned, pausing her drama to watch you leave.

"I'm going to the park," you responded. "I'm going on a date with Yuuki." Sayuri held a faint smile. She shook her head and waved you off, gesturing to go ahead. You smiled giddily, taking off after you made sure to grab the keys. As you walked down the sidewalk, you glanced around the area. In the outdoor seating of a restaurant, you could see a couple talking and feeding each other a bit of their food. On the other side of the sidewalk, another couple were holding hands. The woman had her head resting on the man's shoulder as she murmured something into his ear. You passed by another couple sitting on a bench cuddling as they shared a book together. You smiled. You were happy you could have those moments with someone of your own.

Eventually, you reached the park. The place was the happiest place you could think of. For one, it was outside. You were free. You could go wherever you pleased, and there was no one to stop you. Second, parks always seemed so peaceful. The air was quiet and serene. Nothing could shatter your love for this place. You caught fluttering out of the corner of your eye. You peered over, spotting a gorgeous blue butterfly, flapping around before landing on a flower. This was the third sign something was wrong.

It was really only your superstition, but blue butterflies always have and always will be bad luck for you. You could say you've grown an irrational fear of seeing one, and seeing one now made your stomach twist in knots. You even hated seeing that color blue anywhere in the world. If possible, you would avoid the color at all costs.

You gulped, turning forward. Nothing was going to happen just because there was a blue butterfly. The therapist said so. Sayuri said so. Everyone said so. If you think something bad is going to happen, it's going to happen no matter what. Nothing bad was going to happen unless you thought something was going to turn out wrong. Even with the words repeating in your head, the churning in you stomach didn't halt.

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