Morgana and Noodles

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  "...and I just couldn't believe what she said! Did you know what she said? She said I had no right going around talking with her boyfriend. Like, sorry I just wanted to make idle conversation with the nearest person next to me, ya know?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you ranted about the encounter you had this morning on the train.

"Right... H-Hey, (Y/n)," Ryuji said quickly. You hummed, giving the blond your full attention. "I kinda need to meet up with Akira."

"Oh, can I come?" you pleaded. Ryuji winced, knowing that you would ask that with your excited little smile.

"S-Sorry, but I kinda need to talk with him only," Ryuji stuttered. "Personal business, ya know?" Your expression fell.

"Again?! That's, like, the fourth day in a row," you whined. Ryuji looked away guiltily. "I'm sorry if I'm acting kind of clingy, but it just seems that whenever I want to hang out with you, you're always off doing something in secret with Akira." You sighed, slouching back into your seat. "Sorry for being so attached. You're free to hang out with whoever you want to. I guess I just miss hanging out with my best friend every day." You gave him a sad smile. Ryuji gently bit his lip before speaking.

"How about I make it up to you tonight?" Ryuji suggested. "We can go to our favorite ramen place. It'll be my treat."

"I think you mean your favorite ramen place," you teased. Ryuji looked shocked.

"So, wait, you're saying that you never actually liked that place?" he asked in surprised. "For real? I thought you loved that place... Man, did I have it wrong the whole time?" You laughed, finding his genuine concern amusing.

"I'm kidding, Ryuji," you giggled. "I love that place, and it'd be awesome to go there again with you. Plus, who doesn't accept free food?" You playfully punch his shoulder, causing the blond to let out a short chuckle. You could see a small bit of pink in his cheeks, but it faded quickly.

"Anyway, I gotta go," he stated, getting up from his desk. "See you after school." You gave a mock salut.

"You got it!" Ryuji left the room, leaving you by yourself. You huffed and looked down to your bento. He had better keep his word.

"I know he has a life of his own, but I still can't feel like I'm being replaced," you ranted. Makoto sat across from you, giving you all of her attention. "It just feels like one of the anchors in my life is slowly disappearing. Sorry you have to hear all of this. I guess I just have attachment issues." Makoto shook her head, a gentle smile forming across her lips.

"You don't have to apologize," she said. "I understand why you would be so attached to Sakamoto. He is one of the main reasons you are who you are today instead of... well, who you were when you were first rescued."

"Thanks for understanding, Makoto," you said gratefully. "You're always an amazing listener. I can definitely count on you when it comes to sorting out my problems." You glanced at your phone, checking to make sure you had enough time to get back to class. "Aw, lunch is almost over," you whined. "I'll have to talk to you later, Makoto."

"Call me whenever you need to," she said. "I'll make sure to open some time for you if you need it."

"Thanks, my girl." You grabbed your bento and headed back to your classroom. Ryuji was back in his seat, lazily scrolling through his phone. You would have struck up a conversation with him, but the bell rang and you were forced to sit in your seat. Class went on, and so did your focus.

The bell rang, and you got up with your stuff all packed. You turned to your best friend, a smile gracing your face. "Ready to go, Ryuji? I can't wait to get my ramen on!" He gave you a smile.

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