Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Just let it out buddy." Theo soothed, rubbing Jack's back as he knelt over the toilet and puked.

His thoughts were so muddled.



Angel Rivers.

Vanilla hair.

Red lips.


He threw up again.

"So why exactly are you puking?" Lance asked. The three of them were in the men's bathroom. After hearing Angel's name and realizing what that meant, Jack told April he was going to vomit so she rushed him to the bathroom and went to find Lance and Theo who could accompany him in the male washroom.

"Angel." Jack moaned, sitting up away from the bowl.

"The new recruit? Or are you suddenly so religious you just needed to upchuck your dinner?" Theo asked, leaning over and flushing the remains of Jack's sickness down the toilet. Jack laughed as Lance passed him a piece of paper towel to wipe his mouth.

"No, the new recruit. I know her. She's the blond girl that's in all the pictures on my wall." Jack answered. "I miss her so much, she's finally coming to join us. I guess I just got excited or something."

"Your stalker victim is Angel Rivers?" Theo asked jokingly, Jack nudged him and laughed.

"I don't stalk her. We used to be really close. Apparently, I don't really remember her, but I remember that I..." He stopped himself.

"You loved her. That's why you ran off on Amber tonight." Lance finished. There was an awkward silence.

"Yeah." Jack answered.

"Alright, let's get you back upstairs and to bed. You could use some good rest." Theo broke the silence and helped Jack to his feet.


Lance and Theo brought Jack upstairs and made sure he was okay before returning back downstairs to join the festivities. Jack was brushing his teeth when someone knocked on his door. He spat, rinsed and hustled over to answer it.

There stood Peter.

Jack realized he hadn't spoken to Peter one on one since he had arrived at Namour.

"Hi." Jack stated awkwardly.

"Listen up Davidson, I wasn't sure if we were sending you kids on this mission but I noticed my daughter getting friendly with you so I figured I would bring in Angel to keep her safe. But I saw you kiss her tonight and then take off like a coward. I just want you to know that I don't approve of her relationship and I have every right to keep Rivers where she is if you don't smarten up." Peter hissed. Jack felt anger boil through his blood.

"Excuse me sir, with all due respect, your daughter kissed me and I don't want to be with her so I left and I felt terrible about it. Second of all, how dare you use Angel to your own advantage. You're not even bringing her because you want to protect her or she's valuable to our mission, but to control your daughters life. Amber is 17, sir, she is more than capable of making her own decisions. Now if you don't mind, I just puked and I'm off to take a nap." Jack stated as calmly as possible before shutting the door and returning to bed.

As he lie there, he wished with every amount of faith he had that Peter would let Angel still join them.


Sure enough, a month after training and working their little teenage butts off, the six of them stood ready to get in the van that they were taking back out to the country to get Angel. Madame Ramsay was briefing them on their mission.

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