Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"I don't get it." April stated. She and Jack sat on Angel's bed, the rest of the group had gone to finish scanning the rest of the house.

"Before I came to Namour, Angel and I were out in the woods and we saw Daniel Burke..." Jack stated. April gave him a confused look,

"Like evil guy who Namour is supposed to defeat, Daniel Burke?" She specified, Jack nodded. "Why was he just in the woods?"

"Well... You can't tell the rest of the group this... But he's Angel's father." He stated. April gasped,

"What? Oh my god." she exclaimed in a hushed tone, trying to remain discreet to the rest of the group.

"Yeah, and he kept going on about how Angel was so powerful and stuff. He said 'she was fire'..." Jack told her.

"Do you think he got here before us?" April asked. Jack shrugged, he hadn't spoken to Angel since he left and in those two months Angel's world changed. He didn't know what frame of mind she was in, he didn't know if it would've been logical for her to join her father, he didn't know what this message printed in her red lipstick meant, and he had no idea where Angel was.

"Hey Jack!" Lance called, Jack went to stand up to go find him but April caught his hand.

"You okay?" She asked, Jack nodded slightly and April released even though Jack knew that she was totally aware of the fact he was the furthest thing from okay.

"I found this." Amber stated dryly as Jack entered the living room where Amber and Lance stood. She passed him a sticky note.

Scribbled in black ink was an address, a name and what seemed to be a goal.

32 Fisher Street

Rachel Jasper

Find Jack


The group had made the conscious decision to go to 32 Fisher Street to find this Rachel Jasper person. Fisher Street was down close to the pier where Angel and Jack had spent a lot of time growing up.

"What if Angel isn't here?" Theo asked, staring at the note as they drove.

"We keep looking. We cover as much ground as possible in two weeks and then we head back." Amber answered flatly.

"You'd like that, huh?" April muttered.

"Excuse me?" Amber demanded, turning around in her seat to look at April who was tucked in the second row of back seats with Theo. Amber was in the passenger seat leaving Margaret and Jack sitting awkwardly in the first row of back seats.

"You've been so stuck up ever since we found out about this mission." April called to her,

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Amber defended, turning around and facing the proper way in her seat.

"Yes you do. Everyone does. You're just so mad because for once in your life a boy wants somebody else besides you, and you can't stand it." April scoffed.

"Guys. We don't need to do this." Theo claimed,

"Shut up, April!" Amber yelled, ignoring Theo. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I'm spot on."

"I don't need this. You're an idiot." Amber finished, crossing her arms.

"Alright, just do me a favor and dig the stick out of your ass." April huffed, crossing her arms too and sitting back in her seat.

"We're here..." Lance stated meekly.

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