Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Jack woke up lying in the snow. He groaned, wiped his eyes and sat up. He realized that he was not cold despite being in the snow bank. Jack also realized he could not remember why he was in the snow bank, which appeared to be an issue because he wasn't even sure where said snow bank was located.

He racked his brain, trying to remember how he had gotten there. It was still snowing, which it hadn't been when he had entered the warehouse.

He remembered seeing Daniel ready to kill Angel, then he screamed and did something, fell over and that was were his memory stopped.

He must've gotten knocked out.

But where was the warehouse?

Where were his friends?

"Jack?" A voice called, he tried to get to his feet but dubbed it easier just to stay seated.

"Hello?" He called back. All he could see around him was white from the descending snow.

A figure appeared and approached him.

He soon realized that figure was a fair skinned girl with vanilla blond hair rolling around her shoulders.

Angel ran to his side, falling to her knees beside him.

She was laughing and crying at the same time.

"We've got to break this habit of me finding you in the snow." She claimed, hugging him and burying her face in his shoulder.

"What happened?" Jack asked, holding her close and petting her hair to make sure she was real and he wasn't dead.

"You saved us all." She said, pulling back from him so she could look in his eyes.

He knew how close he had come to losing those green eyes.

"What did I do?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. You caused a storm. You obliterated an entire warehouseIt knocked Daniel so off balance that he fell over. I found him a few minutes after I woke up. He was dead." She explained.

"You did it then." He stated, she smiled.

"I guess I did."

"What about everyone else?" Jack asked.

"We all kind of found each other and everyone's waiting back with Madeline The Van." Angel told him. "Theo told me about Amber..."

"Yeah..." He replied.

"I'm sorry. I know you cared for her." Angel stated. He leaned forward and kissed her. She put her arms around his shoulders and they sat in the snow kissing for a long time.

One year ago, Angel had kissed him and he had taken off running.

But now, he kissed her and there was no where else in the world that he would rather be.


They had made their way back to Madeline and met up with the rest of the group.

They started the drive back to Namour.

It took two weeks, but they made it back.

They heard on the news that three bodies had been found where an old warehouse used to be.

Two were identified as daughter and father. Amber and Peter Smith.

One was still yet to be identified.

Both Amber and Peter had been buried side by side in a nearby graveyard.

Two memorial tombstones were placed in the courtyard of Namour manor as well.

A few weeks upon return Margaret and April started dating and left Namour to travel the world together.

Theo and Lance both remained at Namour and became trainers for new recruits alongside Madame Ramsay.

Gran and Gramps eventually moved back into the little house and one fateful day Julian showed up on their doorstep with his boyfriend who he eventually married.

Angel and Jack visited them a lot.

But they moved away from Namour, and bought a house in town near The Salmon Catcher Inn, which Rust inherited and turned into a widely successful business.

Angel and Jack were very happy together. They got married pretty young and never regretted it.

One night, Jack lay awake thinking of his mother.

He had never found out what happened to her.

He wished that he would someday figure it out.

Jack rolled into his side, unable to sleep now that his brain was thinking. He looked at Angel as she slept soundly.

Jack thought about everything he had done.

He definitely didn't do everything right.

There was a time that he didn't know if he would ever feel okay ever again.

There were times that he wasn't sure if he would make it out alright.

There were things he would change if he could go back.

But as he looked at the vanilla haired girl who lay next to him,

He knew he clearly did something damn right.

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