Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"He was the one who took away my memory." Jack said to himself, in disbelief.

"Did you say something?" Amber asked. Jack shook his head. Peter went on and made a big speech about the success and love that he had witnessed in his society over the past month. Jack knew the smile on his face was fake and that the words had been written by someone else. He didn't speak the way he usually did, his sentences were more planned and the words were beyond his vocabulary.

"We have a handsome new arrival with us tonight, his name is Jack Davidson! Come on up here, Jack!" Peter boomed, everyone started to clap as an estranged Jack made his way to the stage to stand beside the man who stole the memory of his parents.

"Jack will be training with our Junior Special Unit Team. I know that all of us will treat him as if he had been born right here in Namour." Peter exclaimed. Jack bit his lip.

He had been born there, he had lived here for 6 years.

When Peter finished his speech, Jack went back and stood beside Amber.

"How about I introduce you to the rest of the team?"


Jack followed Amber through a hallway out of the ballroom. She had claimed that the rest of the team blew off the dancing every month. He was curious as to why Amber went by herself, but he didn't want to come off as rude.

They were hustling down a hallway that Jack had not seen on his grand tour, when Amber slammed her arm into his chest and pushed him against the wall. She pressed a finger to her lips and stood next to him. Two men in suits walked past, Jack could hear their muffled conversation as they passed.

"Another freak to add to the pile."

"Peter has lost his mind if he thinks we can't fight without a bunch of children."

Amber looked down at her feet until the men were out of an earshot. It became apparent that the staff of Namour were not fans of the Junior Special Unit Team.

They moved quickly and quietly down the halls until they got to a room. Nerves swelled in the pit of Jack's stomach as Amber punched in the number code to unlock the door. He was expecting a room chalk full of talented teenagers that he wouldn't have anything in common with. He had no special abilities, he had no idea what he was doing there.

"Here we are!" Amber exclaimed, pushing open the door and revealing a seemingly ordinary living room type area. There were couches, a big tv and a fireplace. Music played from a fancy stereo and throughout the room there were 4 other teenagers munching away on snacks, laughing and talking.

"This is the Junior Special Unit Team!" Amber exclaimed gesturing him inside. "Guys! This is Jack, our newest member."

Everyone stopped and looked at him, the polite reaction he received from the adults only moments ago was so much different to the cheers and hugs he was receiving now.

"Jack, this is Theo," Amber introduced him to a tall, lanky boy with curly dark hair and high cheekbones, Theo smiled and patted on the back firmly.

"Glad for you to join us!" He boomed, his voice almost too deep for his lanky body.

"Margaret," A stunningly pretty girl with cocoa bean colored skin and hair as black as a raven. She grinned at Jack warmly.

"April'" A lovely plus sized girl who wore dark lip stick and had her bright red hair pulled back from her face. She smiled and waved kindly.

"And Lance." A short handsome latino boy with his black hair swept up and his dark eyes fixed on Jack.

"Welcome to the crew, Jack." Lance stated, shaking his hand.

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