Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"You and Angel had been kind of tense for a while, everyone could see it. You two usually completely adored each other but for a few weeks, everything you said she would argue with and vice versa. 2 nights ago, you two were in the kitchen going at it for real. We could all hear you and honestly I was worried you two would kill each other, but Gran told us that we just let you guys work it out. So you guys were in there screaming and yelling. Kent was fed up because he loved you both and hated that you were fighting, but he had a crush on Angel for forever. He knew that she liked you, but he never really accepted it. The moment Kent walked in was when Angel pulled you in and kissed you. I guess it's why she had been so angry. Because you didn't realize that she liked you. But when you two separated there stood Kent and I guess the three of you all realized that everything was messed up and you took off." Julian explained. Jack stopped throwing bread and stared at him.

"But since you didn't remember, everything was fine, except Kent still was upset. He lost the girl and his best friend. It was a hard night." He finished.

"I don't think I should stay here, Julian." Jack claimed, Julian looked at him sadly.


"Because I make everyone upset."

"You don't make me upset." Julian defended. Jack smiled and threw his last piece of bread at the birds. The boys say on the roof in silence for a long time.

"Jack! Please come down here." Gran's voice shouted. Jack gave Julian a worried look before both boys crawled down from the roof.


When Jack entered the kitchen, Gran and Angel were sitting at the table.

"Hi." Jack said awkwardly as he took a seat next to Angel.

"The man you two saw in the woods today, he was not kidding when he said he knew you both." Gran stated. Angel looked at the floor, and Jack put his hand on her knee, but she pushed him away. He made the conscious decision to leave her alone, she was obviously distraught and did not want to be touched and he respected her.

"How does he know us?" Jack asked. Gran took a deep breath.

"I wanted you two to live your whole lives without having to face this, but a part of me always knew it would be impossible." She sighed,

"Gran, what are you talking about?" Angel demanded. Gran took Angel's hand in her own and Jack's hand in the other.

"I don't want either of you to be scared." She went on, disregarding Angel. Jack felt as if his stomach had been thrown in a washing machine.

"Gran?" Jack said softly. Gran closed her eyes and began her explanation.


"Gramps and I had been friends with Jack's parents before Jack was even born, we were members of a society called the Namour Allegiance. An ancient community carried on by unique individuals. People with extraordinary powers and abilities. Jack, your mother was a weapons genius, she could manufacture a weapon out of anything. An incredible and intelligent woman. Your father had the power to make himself disappear. He would be there one moment and gone the next. They were some of the kindest people I had ever met, Jack. A few years before you were born, Gramps and I retired from the society. Our daughter, Nicole and her husband, Angel's parents, had a child the same year that Jack's parents did. They knew Namour was much too dangerous for a delicate child so they sent you to live with me until they would retire from the allegiance. It broke their hearts. Jack's parents allowed him to stay for a few years, unable to part with their beloved child. Finally they decided to make the right decision and Jack came to live with us. The year after that Kent and Julian moved in after their parents went missing, they had also been members of Namour. When you all were 10 years old, Angel's mother and Jack's parents went missing and her father joined an opposing society. The head of the Namour Allegiance took away all of you kids' memories of the society and of your parents." Gran finished her story and Angel looked socket than Jack felt.

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