Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Jack woke up lying in the snow. He groaned, wiped his eyes and sat up. He realized that he was not cold despite being in the snow bank. Jack also realized he could not remember why he was in the snow bank, which appeared to be an issue because he wasn't even sure where said snow bank was located. In fact he didn't remember anything either than his name was Jack and he was in fact in a snow bank. He dubbed it as a good start. He looked around and decided he was in a field and that it was winter. Progress. He also perceived it was evening due to the dark sky.

All of a sudden a sound erupted through the dim lighted environment around him. Jack jerked his head in the direction of the noise and listened closely. Voices. There were people coming. They were yelling something. They sounded worried. He tried to even slow his breathing so he could hear these people better.

"Jack!?" a voice called. Jack! Jack! That was him! He was Jack! He excitedly got to his feet and quickly stumbled back into the snow bank. Jack made the observation that his legs were asleep. A light appeared. It seemed to be a lantern carried by a hooded figure.

"Jack?" The figure called. He raised an arm, unaware if he was able to speak or not.

"JACK!" The figure exclaimed bounding towards him. As the person neared he discovered she was a fair skinned girl with vanilla blond hair rolling around her shoulders. She wore a long red hooded cape, a black parka and tall winter boots. She dropped the lantern in the snow beside Jack and leaned in and hugged him.

"I was so worried, oh my god." She stated. The girl sat up straight and gave Jack a warm smile with her red painted lips.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Jack nodded, staring into her green eyes.

"Probably a little shaken up, huh?" The girl smiled, she helped Jack to his feet and let him put some of his weight on her. They found an old man with chiseled biceps and two boys roughly Jack and the mystery girl's age who looked identical.

The old man carried Jack all the way to a large wooden house with smoke rolling out the chimney. They entered the house, Jack feeling dazed. An old woman greeted them, rubbing Jack's forehead and instructing the old man to put Jack to bed for a rest.

Jack did not recognize the room he was in, but the bed was soft and warm. Jack was out like a light as soon as the old man left the room.


He woke up several hours later and just laid in bed for a while. He studied the room around him from the comfort of the warm blankets. The walls were painted navy blue and most of them were littered with photographs. Polaroids mostly. He noticed a Polaroid instant camera perched on the shelf which was probably the origin of these photos. A lot of them were of the blond girl that found him in the snow, she seemed to be important to whoever owned this room. Maybe that was him. He hoped it was him, he liked the blond girl and he hoped she was important to him. She obviously knew him, judging by the hugging and searching for him in a snowy field. There was a knock at the door.

"Jack?" the old lady's voice said.

"C-come in." Jack stammered hearing himself speak for the first time. His voice was shaky. The woman smiled at him as she entered and sat down on the foot of the bed.

"How are you dear?" she asked. He had to tell her he couldn't remember anything, or else he would be stuck pretending to know what was going on forever. He could get married to the blond girl and not even know her name until the priest said it. That would be awkward. Yeah, let's not do that.

"Well... I'm fine, except I don't know who you are... I don't know who any of you are." he admitted. The woman's face grew somber and she fell silent.

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