Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Jack?" Angel said, pushing her goggles up into her mess of vanilla hair.

"Angel?" Jack replied, feeling tears well in his eyes at the sight of her. Just her standing there confirmed that she was alive and it brought tears to his eyes.

"It's really you." She gasped, running to him. He opened his arms, catching her as their mouths collided messily. "You really came back."

"Of course, of course I did. I love you." Jack whispered.

"No matter what..." She responded, grinning.

"Who's this?" A voice asked, Jack turned and saw his friends standing confused beside them. Angel spun around almost faster than Jack could comprehend as anger and fear exploded in her green eyes.

She slid a short hooked blade from one sleeve of her leather jacket and a long thin knife from the other. As she took a battle stance against Jack's friends she lit her blades on fire.

Instantly, seeing the blades, fire and tiny but angry looking blonde girl, everyone took a step back.

"Whoa, Angel. It's alright, they're my friends." Jack soothed, taking a cautious step towards her. She turned to Jack and allowed to flames to diminish. She pushed her blades back into her sleeves.

"I'm sorry... I guess I'm not as outgoing as I used to be..." She said, pulling at the strap of her goggles.

"It's okay Angel. This is Lance, he's incredible in battle. Amber, she can heal herself on command. April, she has super strength. Theo, he can move things with his mind, and Margaret, who is a potion master." Jack explained, everyone still looked pretty nervous seeing as Angel had just lit two knives on fire and prepared to kill them.

"And you can create fire? That's incredible." Margaret stated, stepping towards her. Her brown eyes sparkled with the same curiousity that they had when she had met Jack.

He realized how incredible Margaret's level of acceptance was.


After paying for gas and an abundance of snacks for the road, they regrouped back at the van.

"Alright, if we leave for Namour right now we'll make it there by 5am." Lance stated.

"Wait. You're taking me with you to the Namour mansion?" Angel asked. Jack nodded, putting an arm around her.

"Yup! Our mission was to come find you and bring you back. It's great Angel. It'll be even greater with you there." He stated, Angel lifted his arm off of her shoulders and took a step back.

"I can't... Jack, I'm sorry." She murmured, before running off, leaving Jack staring at the footprint her boots made in the early spring mud.

"I don't believe this." Amber groaned,

"We have to chase her down all over again..." Muttered Lance.

"Wait, Jack did she leave a footprint?" Margaret asked. Jack nodded, pointing at the print of her boot in the ground.

"Great! I have just the thing!" She chided, leaping into the back of the van and rooting around in her duffel bag. She emerged holding an indigo colored liquid trapped in a fat bottle. She crouched over the print and poured it carefully into the mold.

"What is that?" Theo asked,

"Foot print potion. I whipped some up before leaving Namour just in case it came in handy." She explained. "I partially made it, because it's gorgeous."

As the words left Margaret's mouth, the potion took effect.

The footprint shone sparkly indigo, and with shimmering lights, a long line of footprints drenched in the same beautiful indigo. They stood and watched the light chase the line of footprints in the direction that Angel went.

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