Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You can't leave, Angel." Jack claimed, stepping back from her.

"I have to. I'm going after my father." She stated.

"Why? So you can go out there and get yourself killed?" He snapped.

"Maybe! At least that's better than sitting around in a lush mansion learning lessons about life from Madame Ramsay." Angel retorted, her voice growing louder.

"We're going to face Daniel together. You can't do it alone. We need more time." Jack replied, trying to calm her down.

"Who are you to say I can't?" She shouted, she wasn't calming down. "I can do a lot of things Jack Davidson. I'm not the pathetic blond girl with a bright future that you walked away from at the start of the year!"

She wasn't.

Angel, the vanilla haired girl who found him in the snow was still underneath the skin of this majestic creature that stood before him.

But she had grown.

It was like the bud of a beautiful flower, growing into a magnificent flower that also controlled fire and wore aviator goggles.

"Angel..." Jack stated, stepping towards her and leaning in for a kiss. She pushed him away.

"Last time we ended an argument with a kiss it ended poorly." She snapped, she tried opening the closet door to leave but he stopped her.

"We're not ending this argument. You can't leave, Angel. You have no idea what your fathers been up to, it could be a death wish." Jack claimed. Angel crossed her arms and sighed, looking anywhere but at him.

"What do you propose I do? Just frolic about and play out a teenage romance with you? Have sleepovers with April and tell each other secrets? While my father could be starting a war? I don't think so Jack. That wasn't what I signed up for." She told him flatly.

"You could train more." Jack tried, he was digging deep. She was making a lot of really good points.

"Or I could waste my time arguing with you in a supply closet. Because that's the only reason I'm here right? Is to be your love interest? That's all I was brought to Namour to be." Angel yelled, tears streaming down her face.

"Angel... That's not at all-" Jack started.

"I heard Peter talking the other day. He brought me here to keep you away from his daughter. You can't tell me that I'm valued here, Jack. You can't tell me that I have any reason to stay here." She cried. Jack looked at the floor, he felt sick.

They were both quiet for what seemed like forever.

"I'll be gone by morning." She claimed, going to open the door again.

"So will I." Jack stated, she looked at him with wide eyes.


"I'm going with you."


"I'm leaving." Jack told April as he stood at her doorway. "With Angel. I wanted to say goodbye."

"Hey, I'm going with you Elsa. Don't think you're getting rid of me that quick." She snapped.

Sure enough, everyone felt the same.

"Are you sure it's okay if they all come along?" Jack whispered to Angel as they hustled down the dark hallways.

"Yes. The more the merrier." She whispered back. Jack couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not.

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