9| Loser

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Clarke takes a swig of the alcohol. She starts talking which wakes me up. "It's been hours. Jasper-" I don't move but pretend to still be asleep, leaning on Wells because I don't feel like dealing with them. "Is in good hands. Octavia will take care of him" Finn reassures. "While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting Jasper to not die is a bad thing? Like I'm such a downer. I can be fun." She smirks, the fuck? Does she think I went to get this stupid medicine for shits and giggles? I don't want him to die.

"Yeah. You think I'm fun. Right?" Finn smiles "Oh, yeah. Among other things." 

"You're fun" Wells snaps back. "Y-you remember that time-" "Remember that time you betrayed me and got my father executed?" Dammmmmmn Clarke. "Yeah, I remember. Where were we? Fun."  Clarke takes a breath. "Well, since you brought it up, and I didn't" Well she kind of did but go off I guess. "Because I don't wanna talk about it, what were you thinking?" Wells opens his mouth but says nothing then he speaks up. "I made a mistake, Clarke." She repeats it and shakes her head, "Not good enough. You know, I bet you couldn't wait to run to Daddy. Tell him everything So that he'd finally believe you were the perfect son he always wanted-." "What do you want me to say?" He speaks load. " I want an explanation." He shakes his head. "I can't give you one. I thought I could trust him." Clarke leaned back "Well, I thought I could trust my best friend. Guess we were both wrong." "I'm still your friend" Wells says. 

"No, you're not. If you were my friend, you would walk out into that fog and never come back." Sheesh that was harsh. "Ok, how about we just... take it easy." Finn takes the bottle from Clarke. "I have no idea how to do that." Wells snatches the bottle and starts to drink it. "So, we having fun yet?" 


Clarke opens the door and gets out. "The fog's cleared. Come on" We all get out the car with our stuff. "Lets go. Jaspers waiting."  "Bossy" I mumble, making Finn chuckle. "I heard that." ClarkE says. Of course she did.  We're walking back, Clarke in the lead with Finn and Wells following and I'm behind them, listening to the nature is so beautiful I hated the buzzing of being in space- "Last night was pretty intense." And Finn ruined it, he said this for what, I just want peace. "You and Clarke ever.." 

"No. Not like that." 

"So help me out. Your best friend tells you something fairly explosive. You seem like the type of guy that'd keep it to yourself-." Wells cuts him off "You don't know me." "Why'd you do it?" Wells shakes his head, "I don't know why do you care?" Finn looks to him, "You knew what the rules were on the Ark. You had to know her Dad would get floated." He says. "I made a choice. If she hates me for the rest of her life, I made the right choice. And that's all you have to know." Wells walks ahead to Clarke. 

Walking through the woods Finn and Clarke are talking but I don't care enough to listen. We continue walking and hear a scream. "Who is that?" I question. We run over to where we heard the screaming to see and boy laying on the ground with a bunch of burns on him, Bellamy siting on the side of him. I don't know where Wells and Finn went they were right behind me. Clarke sits in front of him. Bellamy looks up at Clarke then looks back at me, I sit beside him of him "We heard screams." I say. Bellamy turns back to  Atom, breathing heavily. "Charlotte found him. I sent her back to camp." Clarke looks Atom over and shakes her head. "Ok. I'm gonna help you, all right?" Clarke starts humming, Bellamy hands her the knife and she quickly puts it in his neck, Atom's eyes close. 

We all walk to the camp, already night time when we get there. "Hey they're back!" Everyone in the camp stands up. "We've gotta get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine." 

Octavia comes out the dropship. "It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper. Did you get the medicine?" I speak up behind Clarke, "Yeah. We got it." Clarke grabs Octavia, "Come on. Let's go talk." Octavia looks at me and then what' s behind me and she pushes passed us to Bellamy. "Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." He pleads. "No" She pushes on him trying to get passed. "Stop." She walks passed him and sees a body, she removed the jacket off the face to see that it's Atom. "There's nothing I could do." Octavia puts her hand up. "Don't." She puts the jacket back on him and storms passed her brother. 

Clarke, Octavia, Monty and Finn and I are siting around Jasper. "I'm really sorry about Atom." Clarke speaks up. I pat Octavia on the back. I'm not best at comforting people. "I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we? But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die." She pats his face with a wet cloth. 

A few hours after putting the medicine on Jasper, Clarke walks off somewhere. I go in a different direction when I feel someone looking at me, I look around me to see Bellamy looking straight at me. I walk up to him and notice him look me up and down,  "Got a staring problem, Bellamy?" He smirks "Sorry (Y/L/N), glad to hear that attitude again." I give him a side eye "Shut up, Loser just call me (Y/N), and I'd never give you an attitude." He chuckles, "Sure you don't." I flick him off and walk away to the drop ship, he puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. "You're a loser"

An: I might post again tomrowwwww 3/12/21

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