7| Earth Skills

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AN: Hey bitches I'm back! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like 20 million years buttt maybe just maybe I will continue writing this story again. Sorry if there's any mistakes I made this at 3 am but that's besides the point. Enjoy:) xoxo

Walking through the woods, behind Clarke and Wells trying to match their speed all I can think about is Jasper. He didn't deserve this, maybe I should've been the- "Hey, hold up." Bellamy says starling me a little, and right behind him, Murphy. "What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart."

"Put the gun away, Bellamy" Wells chimes. "Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" Murphy pushes him back. "Calm down Murphy." I complain, already tired of him. He gives me a glare but backs up.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste." Clarke says plainly. Bellamy grabs Clarke's wrist. "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go. You too Hun." He winks at me causing an automatic eye roll from me. "The only way the ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?"

"Same with me" I speak up. He looks between us "Brave princesses."

"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname? You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground" Here comes Finn out of now where, again. "Clarke, come with me" They walk off leaving me with Wells, Bellamy, and Murphy. Nooo why couldn't they take me. Bellamy laughs and pats my back. "You're stuck with us" Did he hear me? Why do I keep doing that? I cross my arms and storm away from him, seeing him smirk from the corner of his eye. "Just come on."

"Guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?" Bellamy speaks up. Still in the lead I over hear Wells and Bellamy talking. "We have nothing in common." Wells huffs. "No? Both came down here to protect someone we love." He pauses. "Your secret's safe with me. 'course, for you it's worse. With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here." He walks away leaving Wells behind shaking his head.

We continue walking not seeing anything but trees. "(Y/N)" I shake my head knowing who's voice that is, Murphy. And right beside him, Bellamy. "What do you want, Murphy." They both smirk. "Why the attitude? I just wanna talk."

"Then talk" Bellamy catches up to being right beside me. "That wristband-" I cut him off "No, you heard me back there you're not getting my wristband." Murphy speaks up "Why? They haven't treated us right, they locked us up. Do you really think they're gonna 'forgive' us for our 'crimes'?" He paused "'Specially you. The medicine, the guard-" I cut him off too. "Shut up, just shut it. It-it was and accident. I-I don't have to explain anything to you!" I storm away from them both, in the lead once again. "Great job Dumb ass" I hear Bellamy say annoyed.

We keep walking along and find Finn and Clarke. We walk in this gravel path, me trailing behind thinking about what Murphy said and my mom. "Hey, How do we know this is the right way?"

"We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy says sarcastically. "It's called 'cutting sign'. Fourth-year Earth skills. He's good." Wells talks back. "You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn stops and notices blood on a branch and rock. "More blood?" I try to say quietly.  He nods his head. "See? You're invisible." I hear Bellamy say to Wells.

A loud moan coming from farther in the woods goes off. "What the hell was that?" Murphy speaks nervously. "Now would be a good time to take out the gun." Bellamy pulls his gun out and we continue though the woods towards the loud noise. "Jasper" We stop when we see Jasper on a tree looking thing, tied up with blood over is chest. "Oh my good" Me and Clarke say in unison. Clarke and I run forward. "Clarke be careful." Wells says. Ok wow forget about me, whatever. I run forward in front of Clarke with Bellamy behind me. I fall in a trap hole, making me scream and Bellamy grab onto my arm. He holds tight onto my arm. I hear them all yelling "Pull her up, pull her up, pull her up." Finally Bellamy pulls me up with the help of Clarke, Murphy, Finn, and Wells. " You ok?" Asks Finn. "I'm fine. Thanks, Bellamy." I say panting and still scared. He gives me a smile and nods at me. "We need to get him down."

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines." Finn walks forward. "Yeah, yeah, I'm with you." Wells walks forward behind him. "No. Stay with Clarke. And watch him. You lets go." He looks at Murphy. "There's a poultice on his wound." Clarke says confused. "Medicine? Why would they save his life just t string him up as live bait?"

"Maybe they're trying to catch us" I say grabbing everyone's attention. Distant growling goes off in the distance, startling us. "What the hell was that?" We look around. "Grounders?" Bellamy questions. "Bellamy, Gun!" Clarke yells. Some sort of Panther comes out growling. "Bellamy!" I yell too. He feels around his pocket. We hear shots and look over to see wells with the gun shooting at it, hitting is once. I walk backwards and look to Bellamy scared, he puts me behind him. Everything goes silent for a minute before it jumps out at Bellamy and I but before it attacks us Wells shoots it dead. He turns towards Wells. "Now she sees you." Wells and Clarke look to each other.

Clarke and Finn are carrying Jasper. Wells and Murphy, carry onside while Bellamy and I carry the other of the animal. "You were so scared" Bellamy chuckles at me. "Shut up, so were you" I smile. "No I specifically remember me saving you then keeping you safe behind me." I roll my eyes "Don't tell anyone that happened." He smirks. "Yes ma'am." 

We finally get back to everyone. "Is he-?" A worried Monty asks. "He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." Clarke demands.

At camp we set down the animal and I catch up while everyone's curious as to what we brought. "Who's hungry?" Bellamy yells making everyone yell back. I stand next to Clarke while everyone is hurrying an congratulating him he looks over at us. Clarke, annoyed walks in to the  drop ship me following in after.

Clarke sits on on side and I sit on the other side of Jasper while Clarke wipes his face. Finn sits next to Clarke giving her a two headed dear making her smile and sit it on a chair. Later Clarke, Finn and I sit stand out side the drop ship. "He's stable for now, but without medicine..." Clarke trails off. "They're taking off their wristbands for food? No way. I-I won't do it." I look between them "Me too. I-I can't." I look to Finn. "You don't have to." He walks towards Murphy and Bellamy and takes two pieces. They're too far so I can't hear them. He walks away with the meat, Clarke follows. Do I go too? I follow behind them. 

We sit above everyone, Finn and Clarke sharing one and I get one to myself. Thank goodness because I am hungry.

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