2| Drop ship

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"I've heard of you. You stole medicine for your sick mother" he trails off "And killed a guard trying to get it" I nod my head. "My mom needed that medicine, or she would die but the doctors just thought she was a lost cause. I couldn't give up on her" He smiles sincerely, a soft groan comes from the girl sitting on the other side of Wells. He quickly turns his attention to her, I zone out their conversation as I look over to see a boy unbuckle his seat and float. What is he doing? He could die! I look over and see he's floating in my direction.

"I'm Finn, and you?" The floating boy asks. I smile looking at the boy. "I'm (Y/N), but right now you should worry about getting in your seat" The blonde girl sitting next to Wells interrupts me. "She's right, you're gonna get yourself killed." I look over and see that two people try following in Finn's footsteps by taking  off their belts. Are they stupid?

"Get back in your seat" I speak up. The boys ignore my comment and unbuckle themselves anyway. The two boys and Finn get flown across the drop ship as we go through the atmosphere. I tightly hold on to my chair, as I tightly close my eyes before the drop ship stops abruptly. I slowly open my eyes to see all the teenagers unbuckle themselves and run toward the hatch. I unbuckle myself and look over to the small group of people surrounding the two knocked, probably dead boys.

They got them covered, probably. I walk past them and follow the teenagers down the hatch. I push my way towards the front of the crowd as I see a older looking boy with dark hair slicked back and light freckles across his face. He's cute, but I can't be thinking about that now when they're could be anything behind that door.

As the dark haired boy was about to pull the hatch to open the door the blonde girl from before pushed through the crowd. "Wait, don't open it! The air could be toxic" she says as she finally gets through the crowd of teenagers. "If the airs toxic we're gonna die anyway" I say grabbing everyone's attention. "She's right" the cute boy says nodding towards me.

"Bellamy?" A voice say coming from the other side of the drop ship. She runs up to him and hugs him. "Look how much you've grown" He smiles. "What the hell is this? A guards uniform?" The girl asks with annoyance laced in her voice. "I had to borrow it to get on the ship" He smiles "Someone had to watch after you"

The blonde girl from earlier speaks up. "Where's your wristband?" The girl turns around with anger in her eyes. "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year"

"Brother? No one has a brother." A voice from behind me says. Octavia gives him a death glare as another voice says. "That's the girl that was trapped underneath the floor!" Octavia runs forward as they begin to talk about her but Bellamy's hand pulls her back.

"Octavia, no. Let's give you something else to remember you by" he offers. "Yeah? Like what?" Octavia asks. "Being the first person to step foot on earth in one hundred years" Octavia smiles, stepping back to the hatch.

She pulls the latch letting the door drop down as the soft feel of the wind hits my skin. Octavia steps off the drop ship smiling widely, spreading her arms out. "We're back bitches!" She screams as the crowd of teenagers cheer and run toward the door.

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