1| Prisoner

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(Y/N) P.O.V
Laying on my small, uncomfortable cold grey cell bed with nothing but my thoughts. Gray, that's all I've seen for the last year. I just can't wait till I see more than just gray. For that last month my mom hasn't been visiting witch worries me. Did she die? Was it of her sickness?

My cell opens and a gruff voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Prisoner 420 stand up and face the wall" Am I about to get floated? I'm not turning 18 for another month! I listen to the guard despite my questions, and stand facing the wall. "Hold out your right wrist" the guard says sternly.  

I slowly hold out my wrist nervous of what's going to happen next. "Why are you doing this?" He ignores my question by roughly putting on a bracelet, pain shooting up my arm. "What the hell?" He ignores my comment yet again and drags me by the arm out the room. As my eyes adjust to the lights I look around to see all the other prisoners dragged out of their cells. What's happening?

"What's going to happen to me?" Fear thick in my voice. I get angry at him ignoring my questions. "What's going to happen to me?!" I repeat angry. "Answer me!"

"Shut up!" He yells as he pushes me into a drop ship. He sits me down and straps me in. I watch as he leaves. Why are the prisoners being put in a drop ship?

"We're being sent to earth" a voice says from beside me witch startles me a little. Shit did I say that out loud? "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" the man weakly smiles. "Im Wells, Jaha's son. You?"

"My name is (Y/N)"

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