11| Charlottee

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I quickly grab the Axe from Bellamy and cut down the rope holding Murphy up in the tree. He falls to the ground and Finn unties his arms and takes the towel out from around his mouth. Murphy starts screaming and wiggling out. Everyone still in complete shock over what Charlotte said. Clarke, Finn, Bellamy, and I take Charlotte into the nearest tent. "I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me." She says to Bellamy. "What the hell is she talking about?" Bellamy studders which I never thought I'd see him do. "She-she misunderstood me. Charlotte, that is not what I meant." Murphy starts hyping the group up, "Bring the girl out now!" The crowd starts cheering. "Please don't let them hurt me." This is crazy why are we protecting her? I know she's a child, but she has to know killing is bad. Not like I can say much. "If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." He looks to all of us keeping his eye on me a little longer. I look to Clarke and Finn, "Uh we could have someone distract the crowd, try to calm them down then the rest of us sneaks her out the back to a safer further place." Everyone looks not so happy about my plan. "Well do you have anything better?" I snap. "You want a society, princess? Let's build a society, bring her out." Murphy yells to the tent. "No! Please Bellamy, (Y/N)?" She looks between us. Bellamy kneels down Infront of her, "Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be ok. Just stay with them." He go toward the entrance of the tent before he leaves, I whisper good luck, he turns "worried about me?" He grins and walks out to the group of crazy delinquents; I shake my head smiling.

Clarke, Finn, and I rush out of the back of the tent with Charlotte going as fast as we can into the forest. "We're wondering aimlessly through the woods." Clarke says. Finn being in the front followed by Clarke then Charlotte and lastly me. "I have a plan." Charlottle grabs Clarkes hand but gets it pushed away quickly. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Making everyone take a complete stop. A little harsh but understandable. Finn turns around. "Just because we saved you doesn't mean you're forgiven. Got it?" Charlotte stays there looking like she's about to cry. "Clarke" "What?" Clarke snaps back. "She's just a kid." Finn looks to her. "She's a killer. You killed someone Charlotte. Ended his life. Did you stop to think about that for even one second? Look at me! You can't just kill someone to make yourself feel better." Charlotte's face scrunches up like she's about to cry. "Clarke that's enough, we're wasting time" I look behind us then back to Finn. "Charlotte! Clarke, Finn and (Y/N) can't save you!" Murphy yells. "Shit." I cuss and push everyone along. "I like my plan better" Finn uncovers a hidden bunker. "Get in" We all climb in, Finn being the last one. Clarke gets a light out from her backpack along with Finn and me. We look around to see bookshelves, couches with art supplies spread across a coffee table in front of it with bunkbeds on the other side. "Finn, what is this place?" Clarke questions. "For now, it's home."

Finn tucks in Carlotte, Clarke and I light candles. "I can't believe you kept this place quiet." I nod in agreement. "Oh come one. What would be the point of telling anybody?" I wouldn't tell anyone either honestly, my own little escape. "Some of this stuff could be useful." "Like what? There's no weapons. All the food expired, like, 90 years ago." I don't care enough to listen to them talk but I got nothing better to do. "Yeah, but we could repurpose. Share with the group" I lay down getting lost in thought. I hope Bellamy is okay. I know he's an asshole but that doesn't mean I want him hurt. Do I... like him? No don't be crazy. Before I know it, I fell asleep. I wake up a couple hours later to see Clarke and Finn asleep. I look to see Charlottle gone, fuck. "Clarke, Finn, wake up" I shake them awake. "She's gone." We all pack our things fast and climb out of the bunker.

Clarke, Finn and I run around trying to go after the chanting Murphy and his friends. Finn sees foot prints and examines them. "Someone else was here." We look around. "No, No! Murphy!" We all stand up and run in the direction it sounds like they are. We run through and find them on a cliff. Clarke and I stand between them with me closest to Murphy. "This has gone too far. Just calm down." Clarke looks between Murphy and Bellamy. "I know what she did was wrong, and she should be punished for that, but this is not how we should go about it." I try to reason but Murphy has something else planned and grabs me with a knife up to my throat. "I will slit her throat." Murphy threatens. "Let her go." Bellamy sternly says. "No, please. Please don't hurt her." Charlotte pleads. "Don't hurt her?" Murphy chuckles. "Ok, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go." Charlotte looks between Murphy to me. "Don't do it, Charlotte." Don't do it, Charlotte!" Charlotte begins fighting against Bellamy to get to Murphy. "No! No, I have to!" She stops trying to get away and Bellamy turns back to Murphy. "Murphy, this is not happening." Charlottee shakes her head, "I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did." She runs behind her and jumps off the cliff. "No!" Bellamy tries to run after her, me right after him, "NO NO NO" Clarke yells running after behind me, us 3 watching her fall. Bellamy turns to me and comforts me, wrapping his arm around me for a split second before getting up and storming over to Murphy. "Bellamy" Murphy sounds scared. Bellamy charges at him, punching him from all directions. I run after him along with Clarke. "Bellamy stop!" "You'll kill him" Clarke yells. Finn pulls him off. "Get off me! He deserves to die." Clarke steps between him, "No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here." He looks at Murphy. "So, help me god, if you say the people have a right to decide--" "No I was wrong before, ok? You were right. Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules." He shakes his head, "And who makes those rules, huh? You two?" He looks between us. "For now, us three make the rules. ok?" "So, what then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" I speak up, "No, of course not, I say we..." I look at him on the ground "Leave him." Bellamy seems pleased enough he grabs Murphy by his jacket and picks him up, "Get up" he hovers him over the cliff. "Bellamy! Stop!"

"If I ever catch you near our camp, we'll be back here. Understand?" Murphy nods, looking exhausted, He gets pushed to the ground. "As the four of you. You can come back and follow me or go off with him to die. Your choice." He walks off, I follow along with everyone else expect Murphy.

Authur's note: I'm backkkkkkk

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