4| Poison sumac

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I take a deep breath walking through the beautiful forest. Finn stops to put a bright purple flower in Octavia's hair. "Now that, my friend, is game" Jasper tells Monty. "That, my friend, is poison sumac" Monty laughs. "What? It is?" Octavia smacks it out of her hair making everyone laugh. "They're not actually poisonous" Monty adds.

"Hey guys, can you try to keep up?" Clarke asks annoyed. "Come on Clarke. How can you block all this out?" Finn questions. "Yeah Clarke, it's so beautiful out here" I chime in. Clarke stops and turns to us."Well, it's simple I wonder: 'Why haven't we seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. It sure is pretty though" She smiles weakly before turning back and continues walking.

We all continue along and I hear Octavia mutter. "Someone should slip her some poison sumac" making me and a few laugh. As we're walking Finn starts up another conversation. "Now I got to know how you two got busted" Monty and Jasper look to each other. "Sumac isn't the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean"

"Somebody forgot to replace what we took" Jasper replies sounding annoyed. "Somebody has apologized, like 1,000 times" Monty adds.

"What about you, (Y/N)?"

"Oh.... I stole medicine for my sick mom, and..." I trail off. "And what?" Finn asks. "It's nothing"

"What about you Octavia, what'd they get you for?"

"Being born" she tells us walking off. "That was so not game" I laugh at Montys comment making him smile towards me.

As we're walking Finn starts another conversation. "You know what I'd like to know? Why'd they send us down after 97 years?"

"Who cares? I'm glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell now I'm swinging in a forest" Octavia swings on the tree trying to catch Finns attention, not succeeding. "The Ark is dying" Clarke says we stop as she continues walking. "At the current population level there's roughly 3 months left" She stops and turns toward us. "Maybe 4 now that we're gone" she finishes.

"That's the secret that they locked you up to keep? Why they floated your old man?" Finn speaks up.

Wow, that wasn't needed.

"We were gonna go public, when Wells..." she trails off. "What? Turned in your Dad?"

"Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they brought themselves more time" But won't they kill more people? "They're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" Finn asks what I'm thinking.

"Good. After what they did to me, I say float them all" Octavia states.

"You don't mean that. We have to warn them"

Clarke looks to Finn. "That's what my Dad said"

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