All For One's Plan Part 1

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My name is Izuku Yagi I am the son of All Might and Viridian Hex and Brother to Izumi Yagi. I bet you are thinking something along the lines of: "wow it must be awesome, right". Well if you did it was... For about Four years, after that well it is almost like i died to them.... Anyways you don't want me to just tell you what happens right, you want the story or as my friend Mina would say the "Tea" well here it is...

Izumi: Bro... Bro... BRO!!! Wake up already...
Izuku: Ahhh! Sis stop shaking me I'm up!!!
Izumi: Well get out the bed dumb-dumb! We are going to the quirk doctor today, and Katsumi and her Cousin Katsuki already got their quirks and so did Shoka!! And now we are getting our's!!!
Izuku: THAT'S TODAY!!! Start with saying that first sis!!!
(Izuku promptly sits up so fast Izumi gets headbutted and launched off the bed and into the closet) Sorry sis! What are doing in the closet? Let's get mom and dad awake before we change are pajamas! (Izuku then drags his dazed sister out of the closet and through the hallway into their parents room where Izumi finally stops being dazed)
Izumi: DAD!!! (Izumi jumps up on the bed and then jumps again and lands straight onto All Might's pelvis... R.I.P. Balls Might)
All Might: Please get of Izumi *Whimpers* (Izumi gets off)
Inko: Wow aren't you excited!!!
Izumi: Yes I am!!! Brother is too!!
Izuku: Your right i am!!! Dad are you okay? (That looked painful if dad is All Might and that hurt him i don't wanna find out how i will feel...)

Timeskip to the Quirk Doctor:
Doctor Tsubasa: Well you both seem excited...
Izuku/Izumi: Of Course we are!!!
Doctor Tsubasa: Well let me hand you off to Doctor Garaki...
Doctor Garaki: Well lets gets you checked for what quirks you managed you two munchkins managed to develop...
(Doctor Garaki thoughts: Interesting it seems as if the girl has a simple mind and body enhancer and and the boy... if i didn't know this was All Might's son I would be truly perplexed...)
Doctor Garaki: Excuse i must step outside for a few seconds...
All Might: Of course go ahead...
Doctor Garaki: Thank You...
Doctor Garaki: (Calls All For One)
Sir this is quite interesting the son of All Might has quite the interesting quirk similar in a sense to you and your brother's quirk.
All For One: Hmm... Elaborate Doctor.
Doctor Garaki: It is a quirk that whoever you hate the most once you die you will gain their power after you you get resurrected via the quirk... In a sense he is quirkless much like your brother appeared to be... But in a way similar to your quirk but very different in a life and death situation or just an extremely stressful situation he could also develop more quirks after the one he gains when he dies and gains the first one.
All For One: Tell his family he is Quirkless, it seems after my "death" that All Might has let One for All's power go to his head and he even infected his family with that thinking.
Doctor Garaki: Yes Sir, I will tell them he is Quirkless. *Hangs up*
All For One: If you fail your son All Might we will have a new iteration of me and my brothers rivalry or... Perhaps your daughter your will be a better person then you are now... Either way you will likely fail your son.

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