Life & New Friends/Enemies

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Yo it's the author here watch the video it perfect for much of this chapter. Also after the first part a major case of amnesi- i mean timeskip will happen and well that's when the fun begins...

Izuku P.O.V.
Me and My Sis went to our house with katsumi after our group split up. And when we got home I was completely ignored while Sis got fussed over, me and Katsumi went to my room to play videogames and my sister then came up later and we played videogames together. I wonder how long will it be till they notice me? Probably tomorrow.

9 Years later:
Izuku P.O.V.
I was wrong they didn't notice me. Anyways let me tell you about the years that led to me turning 14. I will tell you about what had happened up to the years 7, 8, 10, and 14 years old.
7 year old Izuku P.O.V.
These three years sucked had to learn how to cook, clean, do first aid and how to pickpocket because mom and dad forgot about me.
8 year old Izuku P.O.V.
This year was Awesome!!! I figured out how to make explosives from that punk Cocksuki! Why did I want to be his friend again? I don't even know! What I do know is that I can make explosives from that punk's sweat! My Sis always said I was smart but I didn't think I could do this!
10 year old Izuku P.O.V.
I learned alot of cool stuff this year too! I'm now a pretty skilled Con Artist, Hacker, Engineer, Free-runner, Criminologist, Survivalist, and Pharmacist! Yay drugs!!!
13 year old Izuku P.O.V.
I learned some more things to these past 3 years. I have learned how to use pistols and according to Katsumi I an better at sex then most pornstars. Man turning 13 was awesome just because of Katsumi! I guess your wondering how did she know that you might ask well supposedly because of her quirk Mitsuki her mom was one! I am not sure i wanted to know that but oh well! Anyways since she saw some of her mom's tapes she watched alot of those videos on the internet and said I am better then them! Guess that makes me a... Sex Specialist! I guess. I don't know and honestly don't care!
Also I imitated Kickboxing(the kicking and punching moves) and Wing Chun (the rapid focused strikes and swift parrying) and combined it with Breakdancing to create something I call Hop style.
14 year old Izuku P.O.V.
Since I turned 14 alot of stuff has happened. Like I found out my sister was a lesbian, I helped this Girl with a blood quirk and now she's part of our group who people got to calling the Izu-Mob (Izuku Yagi, Izumi Yagi, Katsumi Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Eijiro Kirishima, and Toga Himiko) due to the fact of how dangerous we are and also due to being in direct opposition to the Baku-Gang (Katsuki Bakugou, Shoka Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Hanta Sero, Kyoka Jiro, and Neito Monoma). Also last night was fun got this Gravity quirk chick out on a date fresh from breaking up with her ex who she says was an asshole who she wished she never found on that dating site and she's being transferred to our junior high. Hmm if she joins our group I will have 3 other members besides myself in our school since the others go to other schools which will even out with our rivals due to the fact that Cocksuki has two new minions a humanoid mentally challenged Pikachu and the rejected concept art for a flextape Spiderman. But that was a fun night we even made a sex-tape that we posted on Pornhub.
(Yep I went there plus its in the video... No not the the sex tape you horny basards I'm talking about the music video it has a mention of it and also pics)

Anyways I'm in school now and... Oh look Cocksuki and his goons are here lets see what Trisomy 21/Denki Kaminari (trisomy 21 is the genetic cause for down syndrome), Mr. High Testosterone Terrorist/Katsuki Bakugou, Ms. Bi-Thermal Rich Bitch/Shoka Todoroki and the Phil Swift's Inbred Cousin/Hanta Sero have to say
T-21: Oh look it's Deku he hasn't killed himself yet?
The Terrorist: Tch. The Useless piece of crap probably is to much of a pussy for that!
Rich Bitch: He should stop making everyone wait he's just a waste of space.
Inbred Tape: Man, I wonder how he lives himself? I mean if I was that much of a failure I probably would have offed myself by now!
Ochako: Hey Izu-kun we're in the same class!
Izuku: Hey O-chan! Yeah sit beside me!
Sweat Bomb: Babe why are you with Deku?
Ochako: We broke up! So don't call me, Babe, Anger Issues.
Izuku: Huh. So Meltdown Boi is the Asshole you broke up with.
What do you know small world.
Cocksuki: Deku I'm going to kill you!
Izuku: After school behind the gym. We'll fight then.
Cocksuki: Tch. You don't want an audience for your beat down, huh? Okay fine with me!

Well gotta go and research since when i fight i kinda just punch and knee people so i gotta research the fighting style expect a chapter tomorrow or the day after that.

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