The Betrayal, Fight & Death

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I have coped with life up to this point but now... Now it goes to hell...
Izuku P.O.V.
Today I fight Bakugou... Again. I wonder why he listened when I suggested to fight later? I mean normally he would just fight me right then and there. So why? Let's just focus on the teacher's lesson then trying to figure out that punk.
Timeskip right after the last class in school No One P.O.V.
Bakugou: Hey Deku! You get your four friends I'll have my four!
Izuku: Sure Cocksuki.
Uraraka: Sorry De-Kun but I have to go!
Izuku: *Muttering to himself* And it looks like Katsumi already left... And why did she call me De-Kun? Didn't she earlier say Izu-kun?
Izuku: Hey sis are you going to...
Izumi: Look, Izuku, I won't help you anymore. I have to say this now, I don't even understand why I even tried to help you, to be honest you were a waste of time.
Izuku: ...So your abandoning me just like our parents. You know it's kind of funny Dad told us he was All Might the day before we got our Quirks saying that we'd be safer if we knew and could prepare for his enemies... But what I think is funny is his enemies didn't attack me but rather people I thought would be allies, the same way his enemies didn't "forget" to feed me and lock me in a dark room but rather he did. Do you know why he sends you to sleep early? It's so he can lock me into my room with has reinforced glass for the window and has titanium plates in the walls... In other words it's a prison cell not a bedroom. Also do you remember how he asked you to call him if and when I leave to go anywhere? Well he does that so he can quote on quote "look out for me and take out the villains to keep me safe" but if you remember correctly the scenario was just one villain so why did he say villains? It's because what he meant by that is he will "Kill me and the villain so his secret can be safe". So thank you sis for finally showing your true colors, You truly are the perfect child of our parents while i'm just the black sheep of the family. Goodbye Izumi.
Later on in the alley behind the school No One P.O.V.
Izuku: So this is why you agreed, isn't it, Bakugou? You knew that all of my so called friends would abandon me. I mean I called EVERYONE but NONE of them answered. Even though we always talk at this time none of them answered.
Bakugou: Yeah, I got the Rocky Bastard to get all of your "friends" to abandon you. Now since no one is gonna interrupt us let's fight... And by fight I mean were going to break your arms and legs!

Fight P.O.V.
Sero shot a tape at Izuku, which he then dodged, after that Bakugou fired a nuclear blast at him and formed a baseball bat out of the nuclear energy, Izuku dodged the blast and observed Bakugou. Seeing Bakugou get ready for a close range fight, Izuku pulled off his shoes and rolled up his pants legs revealing his lower legs which above the ankle had 6 inch long 1 inch wide black metal bands (Anklets is what I'm going to call them) wrapped around them and pulled up his sleeves revealing a matching pair of bracers on his wrist but these were four inches long and also 1 inch wide, it only took a about 45 seconds and he was now ready. As Bakugou saw this he gave his usual 'tch' and ran at Izuku, seeing the energy bat being swung at his head he blocked it with his left bracer and spinning on his right foot he swung his left foot and twisting his whole body around slammed the left Anklet into the side of Bakugou's head rocketing him into the alley they were in. Due to being preoccupied with Bakugou, Izuku didn't realize that Sero went behind him until he was already partially wrapped up and before he could do anything he was wrapped all the way up to his chin.

After the fight No One P.O.V.
Bakugou: Tch, You thought you could beat all of us? Huh? Your just a pathetic Deku! You could never go toe-to-toe with us!
Izuku: Wow, you sound real proud for someone who got beat the fuck up. And besides it was three against one and I was still beating you all like a pimp would his personal whores! (A/N: I by no means support this kind of shit. My mom was stripper so growing up I've met alot of prositutes. It's just I wanted for Izuku to demoralize the shitstain that goes by Bakugou Katsuki. Also never judge a book by it's cover even though "Whore" is an insult most don't choose to be a prostitute. Many are forced into a life of crime. I had a friend who's dad was a longtime gang member but he got into that life to try to pay his bills but was forced to stay because no one would hire him after he got arrested. Many are like that. Also some gangsters I've met have been the most supportive people I've seen. I'm white grew up in Foster care in a neighborhood near Acres Homes and had alot of gang activity, yet these "criminals" and "thugs" and "cold-blooded killers" were some of my first friends. These people were definitely not nice but they did look out for each other. And don't give me any of that shit about "well why don't they bail each other out?" well one: YOU try to pay bail if you have an arrest warrant, a prior offence but were not seen with them which will make them think that you were an accomplice in that crime, or just got out of jail and have no idea that a friend of yours got arrested. And two: if there still doing crimes do you think they can pay a bail? Sorry I went a rant. Back to the story.)
Bakugou: Sero, Pull him up to the roof.
On the roof Izuku P.O.V.
Bakugou landing on the roof after I got pulled up there by Sero, immediately blasted me, breaking the tape and launched me into the railing, it dented but stopped me from falling.
Bakugou: Why don't you just jump and pray to be born with a powerful Quirk in your next life.
In other words kill yourself you useless piece of shit.
(Izuku's thoughts: I'm just gonna ignore Bakugou. But still is that why my sister decided to abandon me today? Huh, would you look at that, my sister is up here too. She looks conflicted. Let's see what she has to say. If she agrees or doesn't answer I might as well considering that I have no one now)
Izuku: Is this what you think as well, Sis?
Izumi: ...
Izuku: Fine. You all hate me this much I might as well. I hate you, too, Izumi, you and my so called dad. I hope you both suffer. Bakugou simply isn't worth it, but I thought my family would have my back, but I thought wrong. Goodbye.

As I fell back I closed my eyes and opened as I was falling down the building. I see Uraraka with a look of disgust on her face. Oh well. I then see the ground and think even if I do survive they better not get mad after all they don't care. After I thought that everything went black.

 After I thought that everything went black

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