All For One's Plan Part 2

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I swear family can be such a pain in the ass sometimes, am I right? Of course I'm right, so you don't need to answer that. Moving on.

Doctor Garaki: *Sigh* This is always the hard part. Would you like to hear the good news or the bad news first? (Thoughts: I hate acting sad when i have bad news for All Might. With what's gonna happen i'm sad for the boy though. Let's get this over with.)
All Might: The good news first.
Doctor Garaki: Well it seems your daughter has a simple but powerful mind and body enhancer, in other words she can enhance an attribute of her body beyond what is normal even some specialty quirks what be as powerful... For instance if she boosts her bodies heat she could rival even fire quirks but her body would have to withstand that heat first.
Inko: And... The bad news?
Doctor Garaki: Well... your son is Quirkless.
Inko: Well that's okay, after all we have Izumi to make us proud.
All Might: Izumi will definitely make us proud. Let's Go Izumi and... Izuku.
Izuku: o-ok.

Timeskip to at the House:
Izuku looks sad... Well his sister and our friends will cheer him up.

The Next Day At School:
Izumi: Hey! Katsumi, Katsuki, Shoka, how are you?!
Izu-gang (Katsumi, Katsuki, Shoka): Hey Izumi!
Katsumi: What Quirks did you and Izuku get?
Izumi: I have a mind and body enhancer that i call Burst and Izuku... Well he is Quirkless.
Katsuki: What? You're joking right...
Shoka: ...You're serious aren't you?
Izumi: Yeah i am serious and he will still want to be a hero so we should support him.
Katsuki: Hahaha that's funny support the quirkless deku wow that's hilarious.
Izumi: I am serious.
Katsuki: Well you go support that useless, worthless deku, because i'm not going to.
Katsumi: But Cousin, he is your friend isn't he?
Katsuki: Well he was... But i don't need a useless quirkless deku as a friend. Izumi come on just abondon your worthless brother.
Shoka: You do know what happens to heros all the time right face it Izumi if your brother becomes a hero he WILL die so we're not going to associate with a failure.
Katsumi: well i'm gonna go with Izuku come on Izumi.
Izumi: Yeah let's go...
Minutes Later with the now called Izu-Mob (Izuku, Izumi, and Katsumi) after leaving the now dubbed Baku-Gang (Katsuki and Shoka):
Izumi: Hey Brother!
Katsumi: Hey Izuku!
Izuku: Hey sis, hey Kat! Where is Kacchan and Shoka?
Izumi: They didn't want to be friends anymore, Bro. I can't believe they would think that you are worthless and just because you are Quirkless they told me and Katsumi to abandon you too!
Izuku: Maybe you should...
Katsumi: Well we're not, got it nerd! We are sticking with you till the end, you're stuck with us!
Izuku: Hey sis do you think i can be a hero?
Izumi: Well you're going to have to train super hard but i think you can!

Well I am sure you have questions! Go ahead ask away... To bad I am not gonna answer...
Mostly because i have no idea what I am doing! But I will say this: Izu-Mob- The reason they are called this... You will see soon... All I can say is it will be a crime against all cinnamon rolls; And Baku-Gang- well Katsuki Bakugou is a crime against humanity... definitely that not anything else.
Also anyone who reads this well you're about to see a very electrifying character that is shockingly an asshole in this fanfic and perhaps you might see other characters next chapter who knows! Also the situation at home you will see next chapter.
Also Katsumi is the daughter if Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou, while Katsuki is the son of Masaru's Sister and a unknown woman with an energy quirk who are unfortunately both dead as such not only is Katsuki much crueler his quirk is different as well, his Quirk is called Volatile and makes him a human nuke and can even (with a clear head) create simple constructs!
Also I almost forgot Shoto died at birth so Shoka is an Ice Queen she's just that cold and i am unfornately NOT talking about her quirk the result of this you will also see in one of these chapters!
Next time on... I HOPE THIS IS READABLE!!!

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