Chapter 25

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© 2014 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

Leaving the diner, half an hour later, Dr Jillian Cooper walked back to Teds, with Tobias as the driver, which was only the shortest walk, been just next door.

Straight away, he saw the Ford Escort had been moved to the side of the building, where a straw blonde teenager in faded jeans, chequered shirt, was giving it the final touches of a manual carwash, after it had been sponged, by hosing off the suds.  He couldn’t believe how the wash had brought it to life.  Making the previous looking dull white finish, now look like a dazzling bright white in the sunlight. 

Walking up he asked, “Where’s the owner.”

“Go straight in there Miss,” the kid said with a smile, turning off the water to point towards the entrance.  And as soon as the girl walked away, he turned it back on again, to finish up with his appointed task.

At the door, Tobias was met by an Alsatian, which sniffed at the woman’s leg.  Seeing this, the lad called over, “Roy, leave the lady be.”  And with a whine of annoyance, the dog obeyed, running towards the teenager.

The girl looking at him in auto, smiled, and said thanks.

The kid a little shaken, from the attention of an attractive, glamorous woman, said after a few seconds, “Sorry for that Miss.  But he means no harm.”

He heard the dog shake its fur then.  Like the sound of a swan flapping its wings before taking into flight in the distanced, just as he entered.  After the kid had sprayed the beast with some water laughingly with the hose he had been holding.  Which the animal was probably delighted to receive, taking you could probably fry eggs on the tarmac, in such afternoon heat.

“I even threw in a wash for free, along with half a tank of gas, hoping you’ll call by my way again,” he said looking up and spotting her, as Tobias approached the counter.

“You got proof of licence Miss?” he asked behind smoke from his cigar, with a slight cough.

“Just a sec,” the woman smiled on auto.  Before Tobias went into her bag to retrieve it from where he had put it.

Handing it, he examined it, pleased. “Never taken you for a doctor?”

“And what would you take as one?  Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, perhaps,” she smiled.  He liked how in auto she had this character totally bedazzled.  He reckoned with a bit more working.  This host could also get the car thrown in for free.

“I like your spunk, Missy,” he laughed.

“Thanks.  I’ll take that as a complement.”

“So, Betty’s went down a treat then?”

“Yes, got to say real nice people back there.  And don’t think they make people like that Betty anymore.”

                      © 2014 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

“Sure don’t,” he chuckled. “And that lemon meringue pie she makes.  Oh, just gets my gut all a wobbly thinking about it.”

She smiled in auto. “So Doc, how were you thinking of paying?”  He said after placing the driving licence back down on the counter for the woman to retrieve.

Having long decided at the diner.  He took out the money he had prepared, and said, “Cash,” placing it down on the counter.

“That’s most appreciated,” the big man said, counting it out between his fingers, seconds later.

Then placing it in the till, he addressed her after a moment, “Here is your docket of purchase.  Don’t lose it.  Encase you need to bring the car back because of some minor problems.”


He looked at the over innocent face, “And do you think I’ll have these minor problem after I leave?”

Ted laughed, “Lady, if the devil himself was after me.  I’d prefer to be in that little old car of yours, to have any hope of a chance of out running him.”

And then allowing the girl to thrown her magnetism his way one last time, he turned around, and exited.  Tobias reflecting what Betty had said, how with his wit, he could talk the finish off one of his autos.

He was happy to see the car was waiting outside.  As the lad had drove it up and parked it just down from the main entrance of the building, after having finished washing it.  Now he was nowhere in sight.  Tobias did though see the dog wondering about the tarmac, sniffing at cars, with a tired stride, as if he would have preferred to have been lying under some shelter, on such a hot afternoon.  Not even it seemed to him to have the desire to chase a cat, if one just happened by on its lot, which it protected. 

With that, the woman got in, adjusted her seat for her 5 feet 8 inches of height.  Then turning on the ignition, as the key was left in it, she selected drive on the automatic –with Tobias overseeing her actions.  Only thing left to do was select something on the radio.  So Tobias instructed her to do just that. 

When Eagles, Hotel California, came loud out of the speakers, Doctor Jillian Cooper could be seen drumming her fingers against the outside of the door, with its rolled down window, in her sleeveless white top, as the car exited the lot.

It was strange too, Tobias reflected, only for the fact those he occupied had prior knowledge of driving, he wouldn’t have been able to travel in such a manner.  Having never had a chance to learn how to drive a manual; as there simply wasn’t such a great demand for these in his time?

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