Chapter 4

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                       © 2013 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

                                                     Chapter 4

On the USS Minnesota, Peris, who was totally in charge, watched with the least concern.  He even made a comment to another military scientist, "Looks like the monkeys are sniffing out their new enclosure."

Peris, who was blonde, but aging, with frosted blue eyes, carried himself with the same arrogance, as a lot of Germans did. Could even have had some bloodline going back to the Nazis, as his people had originally come from there?  His Father thought, had been military.  And likewise, he had followed on too into the special section of the military.  As a scientist, he loved how his clearance; possibly gave him the same privileges as to what Josef Mengele had.  And if all truth be said, he loved how with the approval of Uncle Sam, he could get away with things; that would have been next to impossible, if he was a scientist in the real world.

He was particularly excited with the present project: After having successfully moved from monkeys, to imbeciles, they were now testing on a mixed race; and not only that, perfect specimens, that he would be able to observe with the implants, right down to their final milliseconds of life.  He was particularly interested, if they might record different results out of that alone.  How their autopsies would very; once they got them back to the ship.  Something told him, it might even be possible to blanket the planet some chosen day with this weapon, and exterminate every Hindu, Arab.  Might even be possible with the correct fine tuning, to sweep the planet and eliminate every member of a certain family- by their DNA markers.  Might even be possible to sweep the planet to hunt out and eliminate just one sole genome –like an antivirus program doing a sweep of a hard drive in someone's computer? This device really would have been Hitler's Godsend!  The implications for this weapon were astounding; which was why Uncle Sam was pouring out so many billions of US dollars into the project.  It really was the true finger of God. That could strike vengefully from the heavens.

Peris checked a monitor, "Looks like the Negro has taken the spot of the Alfa dog," he said with a laugh, which the other man next to him out of the five then answered.   His main concern was tomorrow evening.  Because that was the time the dooms day weapon was scheduled to pass over their present location.

"Sure is a big one," the man under him said, "Guess like in nature, size does give one the advantage."   

"Only hope no one sends him in a challenge, or else there's going to be a bloodbath on our hands," Peris said after a moment, a little concerned.   


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