Chapter 27

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© 2014 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

In the hotel room, Tobias allowed the woman privacy, as she answered a call of nature, and showered afterwards.  This was just a protocol he chose to follow, one day wishing to return to his own wife, and family, with a clear conscience.  To him, the person he now occupied wasn’t a sexual object, but a vehicle to transport his consciousness to a destination.  If he had been thrown into a man, he would have followed other protocols. 


Even though, it was true to a degree, he couldn’t make someone do something they didn’t want –this was only to a certain percentage.  The truth was he could very easily over power the weaker self presence left in any person he occupied.  A bit like the power of brainwashing with powerful drugs, compared to the suggestions a hypnotist or a doctor might suggest to a client.

The reason he followed a certain protocol, not to force a person to do something they wouldn’t choose to do under their own cognitive control, was because the outcome wouldn’t be to his favour.  Like if he chose, he could have forced Jillian –the body he now occupied, to eat eggs back in that diner.  But because he sensed in her mind, she was a strict Vegan by choice –which she was.  The outcome would have more than likely lead to her getting sick –and drawing unneeded attention his way. 

Besides, the memory which caused her to choose that way of life –was far too potent for him to mess about with.  Also, for exactly the same reason, he was very careful to look for life threatening illnesses, be it diabetes, whatever, when he stepped into a host.       

That was why he set up protocols, and followed them very strictly.  In truth, like the Bible said, everyone’s body was a Temple, and as its occupant, he wanted to leave it just as it was before he had taken it over.  So that person’s restored cognitive consciousness, could sit again behind the steering wheel, without any awareness of the previous driver.

Hell if he wanted, he could get this woman to blow her brains out all over the room they were in now, with her 38!!!  But that wouldn’t be to anyone’s advantage!  Kids lose their mum!  A man loses his wife!  And he loses a huge chance –as he was so close now, to killing this person this time around! 

He knew there was some other law too, that since his departure from his own time, his own consciousness, call it spiritual energy, whatever, which travelled from person to person, also aged.  He wasn’t sure how much.  He just felt he was older than a thirty six year old man.  Who had been a fitness addict before everything?  What age, he gave himself, maybe someone early to mid fifties.  And if that was true, he reckoned, somewhere down the line, he would become just too old and jaded to dominate the little of the person that remained.  And he guessed after that, his presence, as he now felt, would fade to nothingness.  And that wasn’t a nice thought. 

Sometimes, he wondered were there others like him, drifting through people’s lives, past, and future –that is to this time early twenty first century.  Who had also figured out that the only way to set things right again, was to kill this one person, who was behind the invention of the weapon.  He knew thought one thing for definite.  No future existed past his time.  The boy, had seen to that, after he grew up to be a man.

One thought he never wanted to think might be fact.  Was that some sick psychotic serial killer, might be hopping from host to host also.  Using each that he occupied, as a means to kill others, before finally killing that person, or allowing time to snap him into another. That thought was just too horrific.  Compared to that outcome, he literally, was like a priest in a chapel, how he regarded his time in those he controlled.

He waited for the girl to return, robbed, throwing herself out on the bed, before deciding his next move.  He knew he needed a good excuse, to explain her absence, from not getting to her parents.  So he looked in her mind for one they might buy.  He felt she was revived after her shower.  And in a sense he felt some of that being passed onto him, which was most revitalizing.              

He pulled out a memory of only a few weeks previous.  It concerned her little sister called Evelyn.  Who she referred to as the pet name, Ev, or Evie?  He liked the memory, as he knew her husband was also aware of her worry over her sister.  And he could only assumed, her parents? 

As her sister’s doctor, she had prescribed for her an anti depressive, to be taken along with her other medication.  After a breakup she was taking hard some weeks previous.  Her fears were now Evelyn might have gone off her meds.  Which made the whole worrying thing more volatile?  Especially, when she knew, she had taken a drug overdose –again fuelled by her depression –some years previous to that, from another gone sour romance. 

The only thing that had saved her sister that time: Was she had phoned up Jillian and told her, she had done something really stupid, and wanted her help.  Her sister had immediately called up for paramedics to go to that address.  They had told Jillian afterwards, from the amount of sleeping tablets her sister had swallowed, she was really a very lucky girl not to be going into the basement section of their hospital –where all the cadavers resided.

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