Chapter 9

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© 2013 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

Chapter 9

As Hands saw the blades starting to turn, he swung into action, and ran, keeping down low. He doubted anyway, he was going to be spotted. As the pilot was probably too distracted getting the bird up. Wrapped too in the camo of one of the men they had left behind, assisted farther to conceal his movements. He had also one more thing going for him; his training in special military operations in the army, before moving on to a way of life, that kind of said, killing was still okay in the real world. After all, that's where lots in his trade had arisen from: Guess you could say. Once with the taste of blood. They couldn't get by without it, afterwards.

Coming up the back, he readied his machine gun, having chosen to go in on the opposite side to the pilot. Flinging open the door, he caught a lad like in his twenties, talking on the radio.

With his six feet eight like the giant Jaws out of James Bond, he smiled, having caught the lad with his pants down, "Don't do anything stupid now, or else they'll be parceling you home to your Mama in little pieces. Here me boy?"

The lad nodded, looking at the huge dark figure with bulging biceps, machine gun -the true image of a GI commando from the comics, with a -I don't take no shit look on his face.

As the chopper rose, Hands asked for P.A. And holding the microphone in his large fist he said to the pilot, "Fly her back that way to the building. As we need to pick up some folks, before we take this bird for a spin."

The man nodded, aware this huge guy next to him, had the power to break his bones like, match sticks. Hands suspected he was only a pilot. And probably wouldn't even win a fight with a whore down on PMS in a cat-house.

As they flew on, he launched over the loudspeakers, attached to the bottom of the chopper, "HANDS MAC CORMACK HERE! JUST COMMANDEERED THIS HELICOPTER! ANY FOLKS THAT WANT TO TAKE A SPIN WITH ME OFF THIS ISLAND, MEET ME BACK AT THE BUILDING!" This same message, in variations, he repeated time after time, over the P.A.

He didn't have to wait long. As soon as they touched down, the other two made their whereabouts known very quickly, as they walked from thicket and trees, right across to the nose of the chopper. Coming up to pull open the pilot's door, Mr Arian Brotherhood said, "If I ain't a Jew hating nigger hating son of a bitch, how you going to pull this off boy?"

Hands just smiled, "Guess, because not all us niggers are as stupid as yea hicks like to think we are." Then it a more serious tone, he told them how they needed to stay together. And how they needed the living back there as hostages, if they were going to have a prayer of a chance from not getting themselves shot out of the sky. (By then, he reckoned, the other two were dead)

The Asian, stayed to watch the pilot, as he left with his Negro hating friend to round up the unwounded men. Before leaving, he gave Chon a walkie talkie, with the parting words, "Just in case."

Fifteen minutes later, they were lifting back off the ground, with his other two misfit companions guarding over the hostages in the deployment section of the big helicopter. "So tell me boy, what armory does this thing have?"

"Rockets, air to air missiles, machine guns; she's pretty much a solid crate Sir," the lad smiled, uneasily.

He asked him to point out the deployment controls for these, "So where you reckon the nearest place might be we can get to from here?"

"We're pretty much away from anything in this spot. We use it for that reason."

"Where is here?"


"So where would you head to hit somewhere?

"If we fly in this direction," he said pointing with his hand, "we might make Hawaii, but there is also every likelihood too we could run out of fuel, and have to ditch in the water."

"You got emergency gear in this crate for that?"

"Yes, dingy, life jackets, distress buoy. We got manual flares too."

He gave a laugh, "With my size, I'm sure I alone would fill that rubber raft. Sure hopes it won't come to that. Good thing about having a chopper anyway is. You can hover. And let us off somewhere; maybe on some boat? Surely to God there must be boats somewhere out there?"

The lad didn't reply, just grimaced, lost, not really being sure what it was he should say.

As they climbed up a good way, and saw the aircraft carrier below them ahead, grey like a ghost, the boy said, "They are waiting for me to radio in. But more than likely have surface to air missiles trained on us at this moment. Until they are advised otherwise, we'll be seen as a hostile?"

"Then we better get doing what they're wanting boy. You call them up. Tell them I want to talk with someone high up on that boat. Then pass the mike to me."

When the Captain picked up, and heard how this person calling himself Hands, wanted to borrow a military helicopter, like some kid wanting to borrow his dad's car to show off to his girlfriend, he almost laughed. But then he realized there were men's lives at stake. And even though they were all military personal; along with the transport, he as Captain, still had to act.

"How do I know you'll keep your word? When you look on killing with the same ease, someone else might read a morning's newspaper?"

Hands laughed at his poetic description, "Yes, but I never killed no one who didn't deserve dying. Like with your profession Captain. We killers too have an honor code."

And the other two, will they go along with this?"

"They'll do what I tell them to do. So you needed worry about that. So have we got a deal?"

"All I can promise you for now. I won't blow you out of the sky, just yet."

Hands gave a chuckle, "That's good enough for me."

After the captain broke off, he watched the chopper turn and fly off, on a path taking it down along the small beach trail of the island. And then after that it grew smaller, as it pulled bit by bit farther away.

Almost immediately, he ordered three jets to take off to shadow the chopper. As they departed the carrier, he heard the flight leader say, "Switching to Stealth."

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