Chapter 8

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© 2013 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

Chapter 8

Sometime later, after they all broke up.

Hands smirked, with the thought: Let's just see how far the other two make it. His major problem was trying to decide how best he could use the walkie talkies, if he had to, to facilitate a boobytrap. He knew he could set up one to just make a hiss and block the hiss by holding down on the transmit, so he could entice them to a certain spot like that. Then a grenade tied to a tree with some gut he found in a pouch, would trigger things quite beautifully. He felt confident with the idea. Like he was again back in some war torn region of the planet. Walking through trees, thicket. It was a nice feeling to think about his first kill. It had him all alive and buzzing again with life, which the fifteen years of incarceration had taken away.

He smiled at that thought, as he walked on. Thinking he'd beat all those motherfuckers yet! That they had no idea what force they were up against! Now, his mission was to find what means they had used to get to the island? In his own mind at least, anything was possible, if he stayed low and out of sight, and killed only when it was necessary, by ambushing a few at a time, and grabbing then what little they carried, thus getting food, and renewed supplies.

Anyway, he assumed the hillbilly from the Aryan Brotherhood and Chon, would keep the boys out of his business for some time.

Just then he exited though thicket, and saw the chopper set down about fifty yards away, still, like waiting. He could see too, as conditions were so clear, with no sea mist, or other weather phenomena about obscuring things; the aircraft carrier, several miles out to his right.

With that, he checked the clip of the machinegun, saw it was half used, so he cracked in a fresh one. He knew even if he died trying, he needed to secure that chopper, and get the hell off the island! He was confident in what he was about to do. He knew too, it was really more thanks to his special ops training, than chance, that had helped him locate their landing spot.

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